New User
Check this article in the New York Times website about the dangers of hidden geo-tags (GPS data) in pics you take - http://www.nytimes.com/2014/07/23/upshot/what-the-internet-can-see-from-your-cat-pictures.html .
In a nutshell, if you take pics of your pet with a smart-phone that has geo-tagging turned on and post them on the web, strangers can learn where you live by looking at the hidden geo-tags in the pics. You can turn off geo-tagging ( http://icanstalku.com/how.php#disable ), or use a metadata remover ( http://www.digitalconfidence.com/downloads.html ) to get rid of GPS data in pics before you post them online.
In a nutshell, if you take pics of your pet with a smart-phone that has geo-tagging turned on and post them on the web, strangers can learn where you live by looking at the hidden geo-tags in the pics. You can turn off geo-tagging ( http://icanstalku.com/how.php#disable ), or use a metadata remover ( http://www.digitalconfidence.com/downloads.html ) to get rid of GPS data in pics before you post them online.