Post Suspensory ligament operation - help


11 October 2006
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Hi there, my gelding had a neurectomy and fasciotomy on both hind suspensories 6 weeks ago and unfortunately is still lame. In the beginning 12 months ago he had shockwave on his back and that worked well but wore off over a couple of months, it was decided to treat the suspensories as they were hardened at the top nr hock, shock wave didnt work, nerve blocks etc didnt work, the op was the last option. The insurance has finished now and I have a horse that is still lame, unfortunatey neither the vet or the physio are hopeful of him recovering. The physio said it is definetly his legs and not his back. Does anyone have any positive stories re this op even when nerve blocks etc didnt work. Can anyone recommend any treatment they think works. He came home 3 days after op and I was told to walk him as much as possible straight away and then he was turned out in a small paddock after 3 weeks. He is sound in walk but not in trot. Help anyone. Thanks


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9 July 2006
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I've got a suspensory lig horsey (still in recovery after 4 months)

but I've not had to go down the surgery route as Shockwave seems to have worked

Just couldn't see this post go unreplied - i'm thinking of you as I know it's an awful thing to be going through particulary as it's a long road

so just offering some support


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25 March 2003
East Anglia
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well my chap did respond to nerve blocks and he was a good "candidate" for the op but it was longer than six weeks before he was sound in trot.

However he was on total box rest for 2 weeks, then walking out in hand for 5 mins a day gradaully increasing and wasn't allowed in his field til 12 weeks post op. It was about the 12 week mark that he was sound in trot.

But there again new another one that didn't respond to the operation at all but he was never given a good prognosis from the start.

So poss too soon to tell just yet? Have my fingers crossed for you.


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14 September 2005
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Hi i hardly ever post but i felt i had to after reading your story.

My lad has had the same op around 3 months ago he originally had the shockwave and the box rest the first time and we brought him back into work for him to go lame after a month.

He came completely sound on the nerve blocks and i was told he was an ideal candidate for the op so we went ahead.

He had four weeks box rest at my vets then four weeks small paddock rest. He was sound after the box rest and still is. He came back into work four weeks ago and we are up to 40 mins walking, we have done a few strides of trot and he feels good. I have the vet coming on Monday so we'll see how he is then.

I wanted to let you know that don't give up hope, have you considered box resting him again with controlled exercise?

I have everything crossed for you as i know what a nightmare all this is and i genuniely hope he comes good for you.

There is another member on here that has a similair story to your and it turns out that the horse had a problem with its sacriocillic (sp) joint apparantly this is hard to diagnose and easily missed. Maybe another chat with your vet wouldn't hurt, if you're not happy don't be scared of asking for a second opinion.

Good Luck Hun.


Well-Known Member
12 May 2006
Hi there, I know it's hard but try to think positive - 6 weeks is no time at all after major surgery - think how bruised he prob still is? but we just can't see it! When people have face lift,s look how long it takes for the bruising and swelling to go down?! Keep him quiet in his paddock and continue with lots of walking - you're doing everything you can to get him sound again!

I'm in a similar situation, my horse had a bursoscopy 4 weeks ago and stem cell treatment. Came back to RVC on Tues, they are pleased with him but he is still mildly lame 2/10 in trott, sound in walk - I think if I'm honest with myself I was expecting him to trott up sound, but the vets said to me that he's prob still v bruised after the surgery, I've got to wait till beginning of Dec before he comes back again, if he's still lame not sure what I'll do - like you, it's been such a long old slog since he did the injury at begging of April - shovling crap twice a day for nearly 6 months - aaah!!!

Chin up, give him a bit more time. Hope he comes good for you, keep us posted!


11 October 2006
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Thanks everyone for your comments, I feel more positive now. The vet and physio have both said it is best to keep him out in the field as much as possible even 24hrs a day just to keep him free moving. Unfortunately I dont have that option at the moment but he does go out for at least 5 hours a day. We are also going to try some hydrotherapy treatment on him for the next 2 weeks with controlled walking on a walker. Again unfortunately we dont have a walker at our yard so not an option, so he going on hols for 2 weeks for a spa break. will let u know in 2 weeks if any better (probably still too soon to tell though). Thanks