Posted this on BBC website - sick of people's judgements...


Well-Known Member
5 May 2005
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Such sad misconceptions about a very valid sport!

If you are someone who can't think about horses and equestrianism without imagining 'toffs in red coats with too much money' or perhaps 'not a proper sport - the horse does all the work and there is no skill' then please take a moment to read this article.

Firstly, 1 in every 30 people (approx) horse-rides in this country. They dress, talk and behave perfectly normally. They blend into the crowd and you wouldn't know they rode unless they told you. Most of these people will enjoy the huge rewards of this hobby without actually owning a horse.

The next point is that the vast majority of horse people do not, and I repeat do not, have money to burn. They make compromises. Perhaps they buy a less expensive car or they have fewer children, go on holiday to cheaper destinations or rarely go clothes shopping - most horseowners make a sacrifice for their hobby. In fact, it doesn't have to be hugely expensive to keep a horse. I actually managed to keep a horse for £27 a week on the wages from my Saturday job while I was in 6th form. Of course there is always a chance of expensive vets bills but life is full of chances, isn't it?

At this point I would like to add, on behalf of those horse-owners who are rich - good on them. Money doesn't grow on trees - if they've got it, either they have earned it or else someone further back in the family has earned it. So what if they inherited the land 500 years ago beacuse their great great many greats grandfather was a ruthless warrior? Again, that's life.

The next point I would like to make is about class. Listed here are some of the jobs of horsey people I know: hairdresser (I have known several), pet shop assistant, pet shop owner, sales rep, waitress (again I have known several), teacher, farmer, librarian... all quite down to earth people, I think you would agree?

Which leads me on to hunting. I have never hunted myself as I am not a skilled enough rider and have never had a suitable horse, however, many of the people I have known who hunt have not been rich old men but working class young girls - again mostly waitresses and hairdressers.

Now to deal briefly with equestrianism as a sport. The reason I am writing this article is because I have just been completely shocked, disgusted and astonished at the ignorance, unprofessionalism and immaturity shown by many top journalists in the light of Zara Phillip's recent win of BBC Sports Personality of the Year. It is obvious that some of these journalists were bitterly disappointed that their own personal favourites didn't win - very sporting of them... Zara won fair and square. People have been picking at the fact that she didn't make a wonderful speech. Big deal. How does education come into sport in this context? It doesn't. Stupid pathetic nitpicking.

Eventing is an extremely skilled and dangerous sport (horse-riding being, I believe, the most dangerous sport in the UK). Eventers are regularly killed. A once friend of mine was killed this year - it made national papers; she was a 20 year old waitress walking down a lane on her horse. It died and rolled on her. It happens. If you don't believe how much bravery and skill goes into riding I suggest you look at some photos (I will provide links below). It takes many many years of training, hard work and pain to become a professional rider. I could never do it. Chances are that you, reading this, could never do it. Understanding a horse on that level is a talent.

As for the old quip of 'the horse does all the work' - it's anything but true, trust me. Or, if you don't believe me, try it. Riding is physically exhausting. There are times when every muscle in your body screams and this can last for a week. Currently I only ride once a week and being at university do little other exercise apart from walking. My muscles are solid. That is what riding does to you - it is strenuous. It also requires wonderful balance and suppleness as well as strength. It requires a strong minded person.

And the benfits of riding? Horses are therapeutic - it's as simple as. They are widely used with people who have developmental difficulties and other disabilities and the physiotherapy offered from horseriding is great. The physical contact with these animals is very calming. Stroking pets is believed to lower your blood pressure.

I don't deny that there are some horse people who are absolutely shocking people, but that's the same for society generally. So next time you think about horseriders please remember that we're mostly normal people, no richer than you, no more snobby or judgemental than you and generally we're just trying to have a good time doing what we love.

Please email me at if you have any sensible comments to make - I would be more than happy to hear your views.

About me:
I am an 18 year old university student, studying primary school teaching at Sheffield Hallam University. I started riding at fourteen years old. I paid for my horse myself, my parents helped a little with my insurance (£20 per month) instead of pocket money. I don't currently have a horse. My dad teaches and my mum is a social worker. We live in Derbyshire. I listen to heavy metal, play the guitar, love cooking, love my pets, love travelling abroad and eating out at good restaurants as well as reading a lot and watching films. Apart from riding my main interest is nature and ecology and I love Richard Dawkins. You see - quite normal really.

Links: (puissance: a very difficult form of showjumping) (the risks) (this is simply impressive) (eventing - what Zara Phillips does. Fancy a go?) (Dressage: beauty, grace and trust. If you appreciate art you must apprecaite this.)


Well-Known Member
16 November 2005
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Well done - you missed one thing that p**sed me off in comments - who watches eventing anyway? Burleigh and Badminton are the two biggest spectator sport days in the country with in excess of 1/4 million people attending each event.


Well-Known Member
5 May 2005
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Grrr - these people make my, well, whatever the saying is...

God I've just realised how mammothly long that is - sorry!

It should take a couple of days to go through a moderator on BBC forum as I've only just registered but I'll be interested to see if anyone replies.


Well-Known Member
26 January 2006
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Very well put !! Well done you


Well-Known Member
5 May 2005
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I know there is quite a lot of support for her there, too. It was the article in the Daily Mail that really annoyed me (on the other thread about Zara in this forum).


Well-Known Member
2 February 2006
Leinster, Ireland
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well done. I think its just petty. I don't know but I thought that it was a public vote? no one can argue with that. i didn't see it but I heard criticism of her speach but surely that was due to her surprise and emotion in winning and if anything she should be praised for her natural reaction!

I have heard through the years critisim of her by people who don't understand the sport. things like, anyone with that amount of money can be that good etc. I think there are people out there with equally as much money that have never made it. She is a brave talented girl and GB should be proud of her. (this is from someone who is not british)


Well-Known Member
4 November 2005
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Go you!

I wish I was able to put the feelings of frustration I have on paper as well as you have


ETS: you missed us multi millionaire receptionists off your list!

Agent XXX999

Well-Known Member
17 October 2006
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Great but you really need to check your spelling! Sorry to be nit picky but don’t want people making comments on what clearly is a good article….


Well-Known Member
9 June 2005
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THAT is SUPERB!!! I think you should send that to all the nationals that you can think of and see which one has the balls to print it!! Bloody well written too boot!!


Well-Known Member
5 May 2005
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Thanks everyone! And I can't agree more with moocow - who would rather see anything than someone's natural reaction at being amazed and overwhelmed? I for one would rather see someone's genuine surprise and gratitude, however that might be expressed, rather than an artificial, presumptuous (love that word) speech.


Well-Known Member
5 May 2005
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Oops - I did write it rather quickly; when I get an idea into my head I end up with my hand and my brain having a race to get it into writing! What is wrongly spelt?


Well-Known Member
5 May 2005
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I've just pasted it onto word rather than reread it all; I spotted those silly mistakes. If I decide to take the article further I will tidy up both the spelling and the grammar, don't worry. But thanks for pointing that out.


Well-Known Member
1 May 2005
West Lothian, Scotland
Yeah... look at the author (of the Telegraph article) though...! No wonder it's a supportive piece!

I just wanted to say your article was very well written, well thought out and will hopefully make some ignorant numpties think twice about snubbing Zara's achievements, along with the rest of us "horsey toffs"!

Makes me mad too!


Well-Known Member
2 February 2006
Kent - Garden of England
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Well written and argued. you never hear formula one fans getting called rich toffs, do you? how much does it cost to participate in that?!

Good point about the sacrifices - i have chosen not to have kids for the forseeable future cos i don't want to give up my horse, likewise I drive around in a fairly boring car and can't really afford to go clothes shopping once per month let alone every saturday. Most womens magazines tell you that you 'must' have THE handbag of the season which costs around 1k, I don't see the readers of these being called rich toffs either.


Well-Known Member
5 May 2005
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Very, very good points! I will bear these in mind. I think I may print some and leave them around uni because these city students are exactly the sort of people who would have been complaining about Zara's win and who know nothing about horses. (Sports studies is on our campus).


Well-Known Member
2 February 2006
Leinster, Ireland
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Just wanted to say. its not just the townies there is a problem with. i work in Agri research and as I have posted earlier in this thread, the disparaging comments about her speach came from someone from teh country who works in meat quality research!

I think its a non horsie thing....


Well-Known Member
14 July 2005
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Fantastic, metalmare - you express this so well, with lots of evidence to back up your views. I think you should certainly think about sending it some of the nationals as an article, or maybe to the letters pages? Well done you! Look forward to seeing it on the BBC site.


Well-Known Member
20 May 2006
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well done!! that was brillent my freidns at school think that riding isnt a sport and i cant even mention horses without getting a durty look ive told them many of times how wonderfull riding is but they wont listen so now im really annoyed with them i mite make them read ur post well done again !!


Well-Known Member
12 February 2005
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Gosh Metalmare. What has University done for you?! Bravo!

Very well written. Don't think I've ever seen you "pen" anything quite so well before on the forum. Would never have guessed it was you authoring it, had I not know beforehand.

Very very impressed. Here's hoping you get some response!