Pregnancy and horses....


Well-Known Member
16 December 2004
East Yorkshire
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I know this has been asked before but a friend and i were discussing this the other night.

when is the best time to get pregnant? Bearing in mind both of us (friend and i)would want to keep riding and both of us are on yard with friends who can help but not much winter turnout!

Discuss please.

P.S No plans yet, just a topic of converstaion!!!!!!!!!!!!!!



Well-Known Member
22 October 2003
Greater Manchester
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Not got kids, so would only hazzaed a guess at being 8 mths pregnant in april, and then you have all summer to turn your horse away in a sunny field and then get yourself back into it by September
Thats in an ideal world i suppose... maybe i'm wrong?


Well-Known Member
4 October 2003
New Forest
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Oh, if only it were that easy to time it!!

However Im due end of Jan so will only miss winter riding, not summer and that is I think better. Also I would not want want to big as big as I am now in the heat of summer, and sitting around watching telly does not seem as bad when it's wet and miserable outside.


Well-Known Member
3 September 2004
not sure if there is an ideal time and I guess it will never be possible to plan it that way anyway. I used to think that winter would be better as it then would be nice to have all summer riding, but on the other hand I now think summer is better when horse can be out much more, possibly can go with a break in work and stable duties are easier for heavily pregnant mum


Well-Known Member
27 July 2005
west sussex
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I am due may so have all winter off from riding, have baby central heating all winter then have lovely baby to push round in pram to show off ( and lose weight)in summer
Would have been back riding june but have decided to give him full year off so will be back riding september!
I am very happy with this. Mucking out is fine and I get someone else to put shavings in/lift any heavy buckets. I havenot had any probs with it so fare and am planning for mine to go out 24 hrs from 1st April for when I get huge

But TBH I did not plan in advance, not sure how much you can cos you don't know how long it wil take, I was just lucky


Well-Known Member
12 September 2001
I know you are just thinking about things at the moment, but think long and hard about having children when you have horses. I find that it can cause problems, at least a couple of my freinds have had to give up their horses because new babies take up so much time and money. If you have a really helpful partner, or plenty of money to have full livery your options are better. My friends however didnt have those advantages and the baby had to come first and they both said that they didnt realise just how demanding a child was. One friend planned her pregnancy and was fortunate that she got pregnant around the time she wanted but her best layed down plans for giving her horse time off etc while she was pregant, and the help that had been offered didnt happen. So in conclusion you can plan when to get preganant but do look at the long term plan and make sure that all help your family and friends support you all the way. Good luck with what ever you decide in the future.


Well-Known Member
25 September 2003
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I got pregnant in "July" and had baby in "May". Which was wonderful. Suited me perfectly as I could get out and about loads with littlun.

I manage to do horses, cow, chickens, baby, work part time etc. I am lucky to have my own land and so my two are left out 24/7. They have 24 hour access to a round bale of haylage within a field shelter. The shelter is bedded down and I have to muck it out every day. So there isn't much difference except it doesn't matter very much what time I get there. My parents over look the field so they notice if something is amiss. So long as they get their tea they really don't mind when I get there either. (Flexi-Horse keeping).

That is how it works out for me. Riding can happen at the weekends until spring comes.

We are renting out our house and in to a Caravan so that I can continue to bring up our little boy and we can keep our animals. I am then flexible if I want to have another baby. Still no pressure to work full time.

I have yet to find a Mum who regrets staying at home with their little ones until School age. I know of many Mum's who are very bitter about missing their babies first few years. I want to learn from their mistake and not make it my own so hence the sacrifice.


I really wanted to plan the right time to do it, no time is the right time.

It all works out because it has to.
