Haha sorry can't comment on your selection as never tried them...
Can I throw another into the mix? Cashel Crusader fly masks... I have one with a nose cover (you can also get them without, with ears, without ears), very nice! they stay on and stayed in one piece last summer.. I also think they don't look as ugly as most other fly masks
I also have the Cashel ones with the long nose, for a pinky nosed appalossa and a white faced pony. They stay put, dont rub and lasted all last summer and should do for this year too, so good value.
The Cashel is on the chestnut. The bay is wearing an Equilibrium one, which is also good (infact it stays on naughty horses better than the Cashel, however my chestnut doesn't take hers off, she's too polite ) but I have now added some sheepskin to the nose to stop it rubbing. The Cashel has never rubbed.
i have the equilibrium for my big girls.fits well,doesnt rub and the mesh is away from their eyes and very easy for them to see through. you can also have a nose attachment which attaches with velcro,
I have both but havent used the PE one yet as I dont like the black material in a V shape on the front. Why do they put something not see through on them. Be just my luck for my boy to roll or something and get the non see through bit over his eyes.
As for quality, the PE is very well made at a fraction of the price. Mine came free with the bug rug.
Have been recommended the Cashel - not bought one yet, but will be doing so shortly. Also intend to get a 'ride in' one, if anyone has any comments about those I would be interested too!
I have the PE one, but haven't noticed the solid fabric you're tailking about. Will take another look when I'm down at the yard. I haven't had to use it yet this season.
Have used the equilibrium one on all 3 of mine and found it really good. Doesn't rub, stays on 99.99% of the time and is easy to clean when they roll it in mud and block all the mesh up!