Problems picking up feet.......


Well-Known Member
21 May 2006
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Now I've been battling for a couple of days with this now and just don't get it!

Whenever I get to Ty's off rear hoof to pick it up, he waves it around as if I've got my gloves attached to the mains electricity! It's only ever that hoof and even though he doesn't really wrench it out of my hand, he does wave it around.

Some of the girls in the yard think it's behavioural, but he's so not a nasty horse and I'm wondered if theres something wrong on the other side (hence him not picking up that foot only). All the other feet are fine to pick out (although we had our fun with that too!)

any ideas? I've tried shouting at him and slapping him and it just makes him worse! he seems to respond to a calm voice etc, but there must be a reason for this?


Well-Known Member
16 May 2005
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Hannah used to do this with her feet when I bought her, and it seemed to be because she didn't feel too steady when she picked up one of her back legs. So, I persisted and persisted. Eventually I found out that if I did them in a certaib order and followed this every time, she would swap her weight better and stop waving it about.

I think it is just one of those things you will have to keep going with. Perhaps get hold of it in a firmer grip so he feels more secure. Hannah canstill do it now and again, especially if something has frightened her the last time she picked it up (for example if there was a loud noise and she slammed it down, or once when she put her foot in a bucket).


Well-Known Member
21 May 2006
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I wondered if it was a balance thing actually. I think because he always rests that foot I automatically just pick it up without making him rebalance his weight then pick it up....must remember to do that! x


Well-Known Member
10 October 2004
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Just my experience but my horse used to be difficult about picking up his near hind, would wave it around, snatch it back and sometimes kind of stamp down on it. He was later diagnosed with a sacroilliac problem on the right.


Well-Known Member
14 June 2006
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Yes, it may be some kind of health problem. Or it may be that soemthing was once wrong with that hoof or leg and he remembers it.

Usually, shouting at or hitting hoses does wind them up - for simple behavioural things like this it is usually best to be very calm and firm - pick the hoof up, and then make sure it is YOU who puts it down. If you know he can only tolerate it held up for four mins, then put it down at 3 1/2, before he becomes so uncomfortable he takes it away form you. Then gradually extend the time you hold it up. The reason for doing this is to build up in his mind a pattern where you are making the decision over the foot, not him. This actually matters more than the time it is held up for.