Poor, poor baby! If that A*SE on him is 'professional' then I'm a glamour model! (and those who know me will know how ridiculous THAT is!) But is the owner BLIND - can she not see that those pics show an immature baby being ABUSED!
that's bloody horrible...looks highly uncomfy for the pony
how can anyone in their right mind call that "proffessional"" ok so my boy hasn't got the perfect head carriage yet, but he's not gonna be wrecked like this, a) it's a two year old FFS
B) look at that head carriage - what are they trying to do?? rollkur???????? f**cking idiots
if i hadn't read it was a sec d i wouldn't have known, so forced is it's outline, not a nice natural welshie head carriage at all RANT OVER
There can be a lot of things go on in the Welsh Valleys that don't happen much elsewhere , breaking of two year olds always seemed to be the norm when I worked near there.
How sad that plonker on top doesn't realise what a ham handed bully he appears, that poor pony...
Which 'professional' would break a 2 year old?
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Every professional in the flat racing industry. Actually no, they do at some what earlier.
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not that I agree with that either but they generally have someone smaller on top and no attempt to haul in their heads, at least not when I was doing it.