I am totaly addicted to it, use it on myself as a moisturising cream/lip balm etc and also use it on neds for the same or treatment for wounds. I buy a range of products that are propolis creams but Forever Living Products are brill and propolis has really strong antibacterial/antiseptic properties. My step mum has just started to keep bees, so hoping by next summer should have my own supply!!
Yeah i'm using the Leovet version of it on sore skin left from his sarcoid treatment. Is healing so quickly, within two days the nasty dried up skin fell off to be replaced by fresh pink skin, and the raw areas are decreasing daily. Spaniel, does it contain Penicillin then!?
Bees make their own version of antibiotic quite naturally - hence the reason bee grubs are so safe from infection within the hive. My OH is allergic to penicillin and reacted really violently to just a tiny dollop of propolis cream on his sore foot! Good stuff and clever devils those bees!!
I think you have to get Forever Living from the internet (or from a trade stand at a big show) because they don't sell on the high street. Have a google cos the prices can vary.
Hi I use a combination of aloe and propolis as a mosturiser on myself. It's the only thing that suits my really sensitive skin. I've never heard of not using it if you're allegic to pencillin as I am very allergic to this but have had no problem with aloe/propolis. I get mine from Forever living via internet.
Hi - used the forever living aloe propolis on horse's leg following a bad cut. Not enough tissue to stitch so cleaned wound and pumped it full of the aloe propolis. Protected the wound from flies. Fully healed after approx 2 weeks and all hair grown back after c 6 weeks. Brilliant product.