Proposed new tax for 4x4's- will we ever show again?


Well-Known Member
21 August 2005
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I read in the Daily Mail yesterday that the government want to put up the tax on large cars, especially 4x4's to £1,800 pa! That would mean the majority of us will not be able to compete/get horse feeds etc.

My feed merchant delivers his hay etc with a trailer towed by a 4x4 and he also uses a little van which will also be charged the same as it is 4x4, this will put him out of business as he is a young lad trying to go it alone.

Can you believe this government, most of us do a full days work and earn our living to be taxed to the hilt. Whats everyone elses opinion?


Well-Known Member
15 February 2004
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Well ours will have to go then. Will end up towing unsafely with a large estate instead - is that what the government want? A lot of unsafe live loads on the roads?

At the end of the day, we have no one but ourselves to blame for voting this government in for a third term - they'll not survive another election, thank goodness.


Well-Known Member
21 November 2005
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I think I will sell the discovery and drive my 7L 4x4 JCB fastrac. Tractors are tax exempt and can tow any weight. Best of all, because it goes more than 50kmh on the road you dont have to pull over and can drive on motorways! LOL
We should all go and get tractors.


Well-Known Member
21 August 2005
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Hate to tell you, but.......larger cars are gonna be around £800 in tax. I wonder if 5 jags will have to pay


Well-Known Member
21 August 2005
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Me agian....... like the idea of a tractor? I get the micky taken out of me now, being a dwarf and driving a landrover, imagine that..............


Well-Known Member
10 August 2005
London - Essex side
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Unfortunately this is the flavour of the moment - evil people with cars are killing the planet. If we don't recycle we are going to die.......

I agree that the planet is going up the creek and there is no paddle in sight. Until we have a policy that is agreed and kept to by the world - this pathetic government can do nothing more than penalise people for driving. Our 4 x 4s are nothing compared to the developing countries such as China's industry pollution.

I actually drive a bike most of the time and am able to tow with my car - but if Chancer continues to grow I will have to consider changing to a larger vehicle such as a 4 x 4. The tax will certainly make me think twice before going out and buying one.

Are they going to do this to the big pickups? These could be an option for towing as they have large engines and are heavy and have a good space for horse food.

I shall now go and rant to myself in a corner.


Well-Known Member
5 December 2005
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what's worse is most of these politician's wives have Chelsea Tractors just to ferry their kids about in and they're the ones that they're targeting. I cannot see it happening, usual newspaper rubbish. it would cause uproar.


Well-Known Member
21 August 2005
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I do hope its rubbish as there will be an uproar. People wont be able to sell there cars as there will be no market for them. Its funny as you say, most of the ministers wives have 4x4's and I think it was the foriegn secretary who has a Range Rover and went on holiday towing her caravan with it yesterday, pot/ kettle ah


Well-Known Member
5 December 2005
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Ahh, but those who use 4x4's for the sainsbury's shop can afford the tax. It's the average farmer etc who will suffer.
Take my dad. He's got an old ex army landrover for feeding etc, and is by no means rich. The landrover is on it's way out, so he saved really hard and bought a second hand freelander. He needs it for work, so would HAVE to pay the tax. It really piddles me to see people pootling about in huge 4x4's when they don't need them.


Well-Known Member
24 May 2004
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think of the farmers many of whom have an annual income gross of less than 10k - so for them a landrover is for their job and 1800 quid is a lot of dosh

will also hit all the horseboxes as well
will take mine off the road for good


Well-Known Member
29 March 2005
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its rediculous, its only the poor people tbh its goiing to ffect the most, my dad earns as a farmer much less than 10k a year and we have a range rover and discovery as we need them seriously thinking of selling one and buying a smaller car.

absolitely rediculkous and also how is raising tax going to help the young./elderly? they encourage people to work, to get less unemployment and then they will find out people cant afford to travel to work!!

it wil ut up the cost of living as well as everything we buy wil need to be transported and money wil be added on to cover the cost of taxing, as well as increasing fuel price!!

ridiculous, why on earth dont they put more effort into thinking of alternative ways of fuelling such as biofuel?


Well-Known Member
23 October 2003
Devon UK
This may well end up with the biggest protest drive ever round London in the rush hour, as so many people will be affected.
My Range Rover would be £1800. At £1. 25 a mile to use a motorway which was the other proposal, the nearest city is 20 miles away, so as you can imagine, it will effectively cut journeys down to the minimum.
Whichever of these they choose it is penalising people who live in the country.
I sometimes wonder which planet these idiots dwell on, certainly not this one.
As the post above says, it will finish showing for the majority of horseowners unless they can hack to things.
If they are going to charge this for cars, what about lorries? It would push inflation up sky high and compleely change how people spend their money.
It's all very wel for the powers that be to say use public transport, but here we have for instance two buses a day into the local town. One gets you there at 2pm, and leaves at 4pm, so people can't even use them to go to work.
The nearest train station is twenty miles in any direction.
I think if they really do try to push this through we all need to stand up and be counted.
A million cars and boxes (trailers too) descending on London would really p*** people off and make headline news. Other than that, go slows on Motorways perhaps, ridden convoys round towns, you name it, we may well have to do it..
The other night after hearing the news my husband and I both said, if they do this we might as well move abroad.. eventually there will be enough people leaving to make a difference to the tax situation especially inheritance tax, and then perhaps the government will take notice of the people.
Why not tax petrol instead of individual cars, then at least it wouldn't be quite so swingeing a blow, and it's up to the individual how much they drive. Even then the country people get the worst deal..I can see horses being in great demand as pony and traps in the future, perhaps I'd better start training them now.


Well-Known Member
29 March 2005
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i cant honestly think that they reckon that buses produce the least emissions, i mean did they work it out per person so to speak so working it out on a full busload...they smoke like anything and iv sat in the middle of noriwch and theeres an endlless number of buses coming wiyth about 2 people on each how is that economical?


i'll downgrade my trailer to a pony size one and tow it with a van, or estate, i'm not giving up my hobby for this fecking bloody goverment they want shooting, where will the extra money go????? i'll tell you where.........housing and feeding bloody migrants.........people will have to stand up to this, a go slow on the M25 and hold up major citites we must not take this lying down... this tosspot government are gradually eroding our freedom of choice as well as speech.


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2 June 2006
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"can the last one out the country turn out the lights and shut the door behind you "
Oh so true - its all crap - my other half is a struggling farmer and he government is just endeavouring to screw it all up!
He has in all honesty suggested the tractor towing option - but where is the sense in that. Higher emissions - holding up traffic - utter chaos - but at this rate the only way to go!


Well-Known Member
6 November 2004
North East Scotland
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Its pathetic. WE who actually NEED our 4x4's and USE them as they're meant to be get taxed purely because of the rich buggers who use them in cities to ferry their children to school.

Our government is just laughable, it really is. I didn't vote for them!! Who the hell did?!


Well-Known Member
21 August 2005
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The people who voted in this government are the ones who dont have jobs/pay taxes and live of benefits......... Its us who actually earn a living and do something good (our horses) are the ones who bail the country out.

Roll on the next election, perhaps if the gorvernment did not spend so much money on pointless wars and invested it into the right places ie: the NHS, which is now a 3rd world service..... I can say that I'm a nurse and may be one of the hundreds/thousands that are being made redundant, so I definately wont be able to tax my discovery......

I will stop there, as I really am pissed off with this government and hope they go asap...... Thanks for all your replies


Well-Known Member
4 July 2005
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doesnt any body read the times ? this was in the press this time last year thats why i sold my range rover it will defo go up to this iv got a little luxury Ka and keep my horses at a show centre about 45 min from my home, but its so cheep to run the little car and i have shows on my doorstep


Well-Known Member
21 November 2005
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doesnt any body read the times ? this was in the press this time last year thats why i sold my range rover it will defo go up to this iv got a little luxury Ka and keep my horses at a show centre about 45 min from my home, but its so cheep to run the little car and i have shows on my doorstep

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Lucky you! I couldn't even get a Ka up my driveway! I drive my little mule to work several times a week in a Saddlechariot and next stop is a cart to attach to the back to collect food from the local feed merchants but I think she woukld\ kick up her heels at pulling a horse trailer!!