Proud day!


Well-Known Member
7 March 2008
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It was our childrens meet yesterday and I had already mentioned to the Hunt Sec that I would be happy to help out if any problems arose. When the Master made the pre-hunt speech to my suprise my name was called out as one of the non-jumping field master's! I was a little taken aback as hadn't be pre-warned, but was so chuffed to be given the responsibilty.

As we left the meet the field split about 50/50 into jumpers and non jumpers, and there were around 30 to come with me and another other non jumping field master. I then asked the field if anyone actually wanted to try and jump and to my suprise over half did, so we let the thrusters go, then I led them over some of the smaller jumps, including some hunt rails, while the other fieldmaster took the the rest through the gates. The riders were so excited that not only had they survived a days hunting, they also went home excitedly talking about the jumps they had done that day.

My lad is not used to hunting at the back and did throw in a couple of big bucks in frustration as he watched his buddies charge off without him, but once he realised he was leading a group of his own, got on with the job brilliantly.

I am not the bravest on the hunting field, but in the last few seasons have achieved so much - I was awarded my buttons last season, have been a mounted steward for our p 2 p and competed on the Inter hunt relay team (we came 2nd!). These are all things that I have always wanted to do but never felt capable of, so am so grateful for my hunt giving me the opportuntity, and yesterday just capped it all.


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5 October 2006
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congratulations! you should be proud and well done for giving the opportunity to your followers to jump - I probably would have opted for the non-jumping group and then been over the moon to be given the opportunity to do a few jumps.


Well-Known Member
7 March 2008
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Thanks meesha - I think a lot of followers can get intimidated by the faster and more experienced riders, and are too scared to have a go (as I was myself when I first started!), but if allowed to pick and choose their jumps and to ride at a slower pace, are more likely to attempt them.

I was so proud to see them all coming over after me, and not one had a stop or a mis-hap. We did opt out of some of the bigger stuff but as there were a few fallers at those, felt quite happy that we had made the right decision and all got home safely!
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Well-Known Member
14 November 2007
Thirsk, North Yorkshire, UK
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well done Sidney!

I think that you made a good decision there! One of the things I hate is the way the jumps get crowded initially - I often try to hang back with the non-jumpers and then pop rails quietly after the chaos has subsided somewhat and the number of people who then follow my lead is amazing!