Well-Known Member
Has anyone's horse had a weird, spaced out episode? My QHxTB Cody is n/p1, n/p4 & px/px. I caught him in to feed this evening and he ignored his dinner & was stretching one front leg out at a time as far as it would go, then scraping his hoof down the wall. Then kept stretching his neck out & curling his top lip. Then waggling his head from side to side. He seemed vacant. I put him in my arena to observe him. He wandered about slowly, & one back leg briefly buckled - this happened sometimes when I used to ride him. I watched him for a bit, then got his dinner which he then wanted. I am certain it isn't colic - no sweating, no rolling, not looking round at himself. He was 7 last week so I wonder if he's about to start declining. All experiences appreciated. (I haven't called the vet as he doesn't seem distressed or in pain...just slightly odd.)