Einstein would be proud of my Insanity...
I'm thinking of getting some chickens to lay eggs instead of buying eggs with dubious welfare standards.
Please tell me why I shouldn't!
Please tell me why I shouldn't!
On the plus side they are tame, rewarding, great fun, huge timewasters and proper free range eggs knock the socks off any other.
Sorry, can't help there. Chickens are great. Yes, possibly thr most expensive eggs you will ever eat but they're so entertaining. Mine aren't even great layers as they're a rare breed but they do look beautiful. In fact breeding them has become a bit of an addiction. And surplus cockerels are so much better eating than supermarket birds.
Two words, OP: Jurassic Park.
Do you want to wake up one morning and find that you're about to be eaten by the tiny descendants of velociraptors? Because this is how it starts. One minute you're pricing yet more wire mesh, the next bam - grisly death by carnivorous pullets!
That or they'll deliberately infect you with some kind of mutant strain of avian flu that turns people into zombies.
Far less hassle buying organic eggs and no more expensive once you have counted all the initial outlay, food, parasite prevention and treatment, fatalities, and other setbacks. Been there, done it, no more thank you.
I agree ref. the velociraptor comment. Have actually had a group of chickens pull a pincer movement on me, as described in Jurassic Park. Albeit only in order to steal my toast... But still. Frightening.
Smelly when you have to clean them out, especially if the ground is wet. Hen food is very attractive to rats so you get rats in the run. Horrible when the fox gets in and kills them.
On the other hand: Fresh eggs are nice and if you get good layers and have a surplus your friends will be very grateful.
Oh, and LW's chooks, while lovely, will lay very few eggs. Get some innoculated hybrids, you can get pretty colours that lay coloured eggs as well as brown ones. Keep them for 3 years then cull and replace. That way they have had a great life and you don't end up with runs full of non productive chooks that stop you having room for laying ones.
Smelly when you have to clean them out, especially if the ground is wet. Hen food is very attractive to rats so you get rats in the run. Horrible when the fox gets in and kills them.
On the other hand: Fresh eggs are nice and if you get good layers and have a surplus your friends will be very grateful.