putting horse on trail


21 March 2014
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not sure this is in the right form category but I have a pony who I have agreed to let out on a 6 week trail as I cannot ride and he's not been ridden in 3 months hence why they want to take him on trail so they know what he will be like when in work I am more than happy to give him to them as feel they are trustworthy , however does anybody know anything about writing an agreement for them , and do I keep his passport ?
Any help appreciated


Well-Known Member
20 January 2009
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I'm assuming trial rather than trail. Usual practice is to get them to pay upfront and refund if not suitable after 6 weeks, they get pony vetted while in their care. Unless they're a close relative I wouldn't give anybody my horse/pony without them paying upfront. In fact, let me rephrase, not even if a close relative.


Well-Known Member
16 February 2009
Slopping along on a loose rein somewhere in Devon
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OP you are obviously new to this forum, and to the whole business of loaning out a horse, and/or allowing a "trial" period to the potential purchaser before the decision is made to purchase.

There are many on here who could counsel you that for lots of reasons, this is fraught with difficulty. Not least the fact that horses have disappeared whilst "on trial".

Your best protection is to draw up a formal contract for the period of loan and/or trial. The British Horse Society's website will give you a good pro forma one which you can then adapt to your individual circumstances.

"Feeling they are trustworthy" isn't always something you can depend upon, believe me! And plenty of others on here would testify to that!

Photocopy the passport and let the loaner have it as it may need to be produced if requested. They must keep it in a safe place.

Please OP, for the sake of the pony if nothing else, stop your soft heart in its tracks and get this arrangement onto a more businesslike set-up. Only give a horse/pony away if you really know the people inside out, and trust them implicitly not to pass the horse on and/or sell it on to the meat-man or something - these things do unfortunately happen and its always the "nice" people, the ones who can tell up a good story, that do it.......

An old schoolfriend gifted me her lovely mare a few years back; we'd gone to school together and I would trust her with my life. She trusted me with the most precious thing she had which was the mare, and I'd never ever underestimate that trust or take it for granted, or break it. This sort of bond and trust is the ONLY circumstances in which I'd ever consider gifting a horse to someone. Please may I urge you OP to really consider whether you want to "gift" your pony to someone you hardly know???
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Well-Known Member
3 February 2009
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To be honest three months is not that long for the pony not to have been ridden.

In your shoes I would allow them to come and ride the pony where you currently keep him, I wouldn't let him leave the yard for a six week trial. You are definitely correct in wanting to have a contract - the BHS website might have something.


Well-Known Member
29 May 2010
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Trial brilliant idea. Make sure the pony is insured. You see lots for sale on loan with view to buy which is brilliant. Get a deposit and make sure you visit. I presume you have visited their yard already? I would never let a pony go to somewhere that someone says they are taking it so maybe go with it when they take it. So many owners sell their animals and have no idea where they are going or what they are doing. As I always say if the seller is paying more interest in the pony's next accommodation you have a good idea that it is well loved. But keep visiting it every week to check it is ok as it is still your property.