Putting my horse on loanfor first time what to expect


21 March 2014
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hope i have posted this in the right place,

Looking for some advice i have no longer go the time my horses deserves and decided to put her on loan which i have found a lovely person, i have never done this before and looking for advice i know i have to make a loan agreement which is on the bhs website is their anything else i need to do , what about insurance will i still have her insured or is that now the responsibility of the loner? what am i still responsible for when the horse is not in my care and what will the loner be responsible for?(horse is moving to her yard),do i give her the passport also ? Thanks any experiences/ advice would be appreciated


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16 December 2013
Over the rainbow 🌈
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I dont know how every else works but I have my boy on full loan so figured I'd answer how mine works!

Firstly, yes, I do have his passport. If I want to take him anywhere it's a legal requirement that I have it, plus if I ever needed the vet for anything I would want it just in case.

I am fully responsible for everything. I have my own insurance, though if I needed help with any vets bills they've told me they'll pay half provided it's not something I've caused (fair enough). I also have BHS gold membership.

The only conditions on my having hjm are that if ever I gave him up (not likely!), that he be left with everything he came with, or replacements for those that broke.

He is kept on their yard, so they're possibly a bit more laid back than others might be. We don't have a contract, there is mutual trust. They keep their noses out- not that it bothers me either way- but are there when I need help (I'm a novice loaner/rider!). I'm honest with them about how I cope/when I need help and they are honest woth me about how I'm doing/if I'm doing something wrong. It works for us :)

Good luck, I hope you find someone suitable :)
