Well-Known Member
I have one identical to the one you are discussing ie with a hind twist.Can't answer the question, but I would love to hear case studies of any horses with that exact issue, got 7 horses on the property with only 2 pairs of shoes between them and one is for that very reason.
He's 12, and has been shod since 4yo when he started walking with a distinct twisting action to his hind legs and rapidly wore down the outside edge of both hooves. Vets advice was to shoe behind to prevent the excess wear and gently work him to build up proper musculature and straight movement. It definitely helped and he lost most of the twist over time but continued to wear the outside edge of his shoes down to a knife edge.
Whole body conformation has always been poor but regular physio and plenty of fitness kept him looking quite good overall but never resolved the hind leg issue. I tried taking his shoes off over winter one year and he wore them down into little wedges very quickly.
Now he's retired (bone spur in coffin joint and navicular) and barefoot in front which has really helped the navicular, but still shod behind and still wearing them wonky.
I'm definitely pro-barefoot but in this particular case he's going to stay shod unless someone shows me a pretty compelling case study! Poor sod has just got multiple issues stacking up against him, yes shoeing is unnatural but i'm pretty sure he'd die in the wild. I figure it's like everything with horses, there is no one answer that suits 100% of cases.