Question about livery yards...?


Well-Known Member
21 January 2015
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Hi all!

For those on livery yards do you have rules about:

- when you can feed - can you feed whenever you want or are all the horses fed at the same time? One yard i've looked at has no rules but another said horses are fed at 7am.

- bringing horses in that are turned out in pairs - can you bring your horse in whenever you want or do both of the pair have to be brought in at the same time, or does it just depend on whether the other horse in the pair minds being turned out alone (all the paddocks are next to each other but each one has a pair in)

- extra charges - have you ever had your horse brought in, or rugged, or fed etc. and been charged for it because you weren't there and the yo thought it should be done? Or have you been left to do things when you want?

Thanks :)

Spit That Out

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27 April 2010
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The yard I'm on you feed whenever you like however this is DIY, if you have part or full livery then the horses are fed by the yard manager at the same time. So it depends on the yard and livery option you have.

The horses are turned out in groups of 4 however you are expected to inform the yard manager if a leaving a horse out on its own, it's up to them if they have to bring in the loan horse or if it's ok to be left out. There is a charge to bring in your horse however the liveries normally sort it out between themselves and you get in to a routine.

If the YO has to do anything for you I.e bring in, rug change, feed etc then there is a small charge depending on what is done unless part of your livery package. Normally the YO will only provide services that are requested however if they had to do something because they needed to then they will charge with or without your permission.

Best talking the yard rules through with the YO or YM before you move on, know what the fees/charges are up front and when they will be applied. Their yard their rules so if you don't like them vote with your feet and move.


Well-Known Member
17 November 2014
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I deliberately chose a yard with almost no rules because I like to do my own thing. Our rules are last one locks up and turns off lights, horses must be stabled nights in winter, just basic rules like that. I have been on yards before with more rules, some I liked and stayed and some I did not.

Rules I hated was things like a 6pm curfew for stabling horses at night, an 8pm curfew for being gone from the yard so YO could lock up, first one on the yard feeds them all, having to bring in extra horse because none allowed to be left out alone, haying (and paying for it) fields in winter when mine is fat and does not need it, poo picking. Rules I did not mind was things like leaving a feed made up ready for YO to give in the morning, having to leave headcollar on when turned out, having grazing cut to half days in winter. It is an induvidual thing and also down to what suits your horse. You may have to move to a few different yards before you find one that suits you.

The biggest problem I found was YOs who lie when you ask your questions and those who change their mind about what the rules are every time the wind changes direction! I never found a full livery yard which provided an adequate standard of care such as enough bedding, hay and water, daily turnout and someone to handle my horse who will not bash it about. So now I am DIY livery. There will be some compromises, no yard is perfect but you have to figure out what things you hate and avoid yards which have those rules. I prefer tatty yards they tend to be more relaxed with less rules but then you have to be prepared to turn a blind eye at some of the horse owners whose care borders on neglect.

ETA I would not be happy with a yard that charges for extras which I did not request. I have a strict budget so I would definitely move yards in that situation.
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