Question about the upcoming riding helmet changes


31 October 2014
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I have been reading about the new changes coming into effect over the next year or so. My children both ride so I try and buy really good helmets and pass them down. However, I'm really confused about what will be accepted by clubs.

The Pony Club's statement on the changes:

The Pony Club will permit (BS)EN1384 hats in 2015 but not thereafter. Full details of the revised Hat Tagging procedure will be communicated out to the Membership and Volunteers shortly.

My son't HS1 is

And we are looking at the CO Pro II which says it comes with these marks
PAS015: 2011,
ASTM F1163

I see that BSEN1384 will no longer be accepted after 2015 but that PAS isn't enough on it's own. So will these 2 helmets still be accepted by the pony club because they have 2 other safety marks in addition the BSEN1384? Or will the BSEN1384 mark on the helmet mean it's not accepted at all?

I need to buy a helmet for my daughter very soon and I'm sure with her just being 6, I'll be buying another before the end of the year anyway....but just in case, trying to be financially practical about it.

Thanks x


Well-Known Member
2 January 2011
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There was another thread in competing and training about this that explains it well, but with the CO pro ii and the HS1 as they have PAS they are ok.


Well-Known Member
15 January 2007
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If the hats have BSEN1384 plus PAS015 they will not be affected by the changes according to BETA. They have a FAQ sheet on the changes that my riding club has circulated.
Scroll down the page a bit for the link.


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17 August 2008
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Pony club still allows - and in fact recommends - lighter weight hats for children under 9. It depends on what she's doing obviously - my daughter was eventing at 9 and there is no way she would have been allowed to wear a lighter hat but if your's is still lead rein based the lighter hats are thought to be safer for the neck in the event of a fall.

In response to your original post - I'm a hat tagger for our branch and your son's hat is fine because of the SNELL marking. My understanding of the new guidance is that PAS 2008 is not permitted but PAS:2011 is - but in either event both are trumped by the SNELL which is a higher rating. We're all learning here!


31 October 2014
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Thank you all so much!

Shay, my 6 year old at the moment has a CO Junior skull. She is a dinky dot with a big head so won't make it till the new hats come out. We may just get her another junior skull for the time being. They haven't been on a lead rein for a long time and just started cantering so definitely something to consider about the lighter helmets.


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4 April 2009
South Wales
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Pony club still allows - and in fact recommends - lighter weight hats for children under 9. It depends on what she's doing obviously - my daughter was eventing at 9 and there is no way she would have been allowed to wear a lighter hat but if your's is still lead rein based the lighter hats are thought to be safer for the neck in the event of a fall.

In response to your original post - I'm a hat tagger for our branch and your son's hat is fine because of the SNELL marking. My understanding of the new guidance is that PAS 2008 is not permitted but PAS:2011 is - but in either event both are trumped by the SNELL which is a higher rating. We're all learning here!

My understanding is that SNELL isn't enough on its own but PAS015 (2011) is sufficient.


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22 November 2006
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BSEN1384 on it's own will not be allowed (so Charles Owen Fiona, Harry Hall) won't be allowed. If it is BSEN1384 with PAS015 they are ok, plus any additional approvals (SNELL, ASTM) are a bonus.

I've recently bought a new hat with the intention to dressage and SJ in it, and it's has BSEN, PAS & ASTM do will be ok. saying that, the hat fitter at the shop had no idea about the rule changes, so it's just as well I knew about the changes for work before I went!

PC and BE will be re tagging hats, as will BRC and BHS.


New User
22 January 2015
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The pony club is recommending lighter helmets, they are a lot safer in the neck for kids so it makes sense.

It's a silly change because the old hats are still as safe as they ever were, but the testing house want to be paid to do more tests, so they've persuaded the decision makers to increase the tests required. Its not about safety at all just about money.

I think a lot of organisations will be pretty reasonable and relaxed about it, and providing you have a proper riding hat made by a reputable brand you'll be fine :)

Que Sera

28 July 2012
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Just for the sake of clarity! :) Re organisations being relaxed about it - no, they categorically won't if the hat doesn't have another accepted marking where stated. These are tagging changes and there won't be leeway. From BETA:

British Eventing will permit (BS)EN1384 hats in 2015 but not thereafter.
All hats will be retagged in 2016 at which stage no hats made solely to (BS)EN1384 will be
tagged or permitted for use.

Riding Clubs – British Riding Clubs will permit (BS)EN1384 hats in 2015 but not thereafter.
All hats will be retagged in 2016 at which stage no hats made solely to (BS)EN1384 will be
tagged or permitted for use.

Pony Club - will permit (BS)EN1384 hats in 2015 but not thereafter. Full details of the
revised Hat Tagging procedure will be communicated out to the Membership and
Volunteers shortly.

British Dressage – will permit (BS)EN1384 hats in 2015 but not thereafter

British Showjumping - will permit (BS)EN1384 hats in 2015 but not thereafter

British Horse Society – will permit (BS)EN1384 hats in 2015 but not thereafter. From
1.1.2016 hats made solely to (BS)EN1384 will not be permitted for use in BHS Approved