Question for Endymion


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21 October 2005
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Before you start accusing people of lying answer this very simple question:

Q. On the No 10 petition site you claim you hunt illegally with full knowledge of the police. Is this true?


Well-Known Member
22 June 2006
Sunny Devon
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Yes and I do. I deliberately flush out deer with my dogs and chase them. I reported myself for doing that at South Molton police station last year. I think I might have posted about that before. Could you now answer my question.

Have I ever claimed to have handed in a video of myself hunting to the police?


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21 October 2005
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Thats not really 'full knowledge of the police' is it? Anyone can walk into a police station and claim they did anything. Why don't you get proof and present it to them?

You claimed exactley that Giles, on the old NELS website. The name was Farmer Giles it was accompanied by a pic of an old farmer man chewing a straw or something. The old board has been shut down now but I will endeavour to prove this.

I am no liar Giles. I leave that to you when you spout the fake bravado.


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22 June 2006
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If you read the CPS website yopu will see that a confession to a crime is adequate to secure a prosecution. It is proof.

I'm not sure how I else could prove that I was flushing out deer nintentionally. All I could say was 'I'm off out now with the dogs to flush out some deer'. What else is there to say?


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22 June 2006
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You claimed exactley that Giles, on the old NELS website. The name was Farmer Giles it was accompanied by a pic of an old farmer man chewing a straw or something. The old board has been shut down now but I will endeavour to prove this.

Ri-ight, so someone calling himself 'Farmer Giles' posted something on an anomynous and defunct message board.

Was it perhaps this cretin here:

As the police confirmed in their email to you, I've never given them a video.

I have offered them one but they weren't interested. I've also offered for them to come down to the farm so I can hunt deer in front of them, but they weren't interested.

Why on earth would the police want to watch me wandering round in my woods breaking the hunting act if they've already decided not to prosecute me for it?


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21 October 2005
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The police said they would most definitly take action against anyone breaking the hunting act. I can't make any more speculations other than to say that they also said not to take everything you say as gospel as they believe you to be 'courting publicity for your own purposes'.

Giles, you may be right about them, perhaps they don't care about hunting and they were lying to me but if you keep on boasting about illegal hunting people are gonna keep on complaining and sooner or later they are gonna get so pissed off that they nick you for illegal hunting simply cos you've made life difficult for them.

I am open to the idea that someone impersonated you on NELS website but it really sounded like you. The posts said you had sent vid evidence to police and LACs and you had invited LACS down to personally film you and watch you flount the Act. It was about the same time you were pulling the Baronsdown stunt (maybe a bit before).


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22 June 2006
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I think probably the police aren't interested in prosecuting someone who deliberately flushes deer out and then let's them escape.

Endy, before you get to carried away maybe you should ask yourself whther you would really like to live in a country where people get prosecuted for that sort of thing.

Is defending every dot over every i in the Hunting Act really worth that?

As I said before if you want to come down, film me trying to flush deer in my woods and then hand the video evidence to the police together with my signed confession and your witness statement then you can. The police will not do anything, I've been through it with them. I'm really really not lying Endy.

You're a good bloke, I can see that, maybe you should realise that I'm not so awful either. I justy happen to think that my Government are complete morons. What's wrong with that?

For God's sake man I don't even kill any ####ing wild mammals!


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21 October 2005
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Giles, although at times you do come across as a bit nuts I'm sure you are an intelligent man who knows exactly what he's doing i.e using a small part of the hunting act to try and overturn the entire ban. Intentionally chasing wild mammals HAS to be illegal not because it itself is particularly cruel but because a line has to be drawn somewhere. If chasing is illegal prosecutions will be impossible. Can you imagine....

'I didnt mean for my dogs to kill the fox. They were just chasing it which is perfectley legal'.

Do we then decide if certain breeds can chase wild animals i.e collies can but not foxhounds?

If chasing was legal could a hunt realistically call the dogs off before it caught the fox?

Prolonged chasing is cruel. How can a law regulate the length of time an animal is chased for?

Having legal chasing but illegal hunting would be a law more worse than the current ban.

Having said that I do not disagree with anyone who lets their dogs give deer a bit of a scare just to get them out of the wood but there is a world of difference between that and the kind of chasing a hunt would practice and your support for the hunt, Giles, is exactly why I belive you to be staunchly pro-hunt and not just an innocent rural chap trying to protect his coppice wood.


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22 June 2006
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I'm staunchly pro some hunting, but not all. I'm sure you could come up with something that people do to wild mammals with dogs that I'd be against. I'm very staunchly pro everything I do, if I wasn't I wouldn't do it.

What you have just posted sums up for me exactly why the current law is faulty. The reason that the line is so hard to draw is because it is the wrong line altogether.

I'd rip it all up and replace it with a revised law against cruelty.

Hunting was exempted from the anti animal cruelty laws. I would remove this exemption.

I would also extend the animal welfare Act to cover all wild animals.

As it is I cannot obey this law. I think you realise that it's ridiculous and unjust for what I do to be illegal. However you believe that my unjustified guilt is a price worth paying for a perceived benefit to wild mammals.

I think my guilt is a price worth paying too, but for an entirely different reason.

What I cannot abide is the position of the Government to pass a law that makes me guilty of a crime that they are not prepared to enforce because it is so obviously unjust.

If you support unjust laws for good ends then you should be prepared to get them enforced.

To this extent I respect your position in trying to get me prosecuted. I hope you respect mine. What you will find is that the Government of this country are complete cynical self serving hypocrites. They couldn't give a damn about principals of justice and the rule of law. Both your efforts and mine are doomed to failure for this one simple reason.

But eh, it'll be fun trying and I'm looking forward to those beers!

Ps I'm most certainly NOT 'just an innocent rural chap trying to protect his coppice wood' I'm a GUILTY rural chap trying to protect his coppice wood.

Can't you get anything right man?


Well-Known Member
22 June 2006
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I've written to Nigel Arnold regarding the event. Asou can see you can say pretty much what you like to the police. They won't do anything. That's what happens when people pass absurd laws it strips them of their authority.

Dear Nigel,

I'm organising a Hunting Open Day at my farm in Devon. I've got a load of guys from London comming down who are going to film me hunting for deer to flush out with my four dogs, hopefully they'll get some footage of the dogs actually chasing the deer. They are involved with the North and East London Hunt Sabs. One of them wrote to you recently about me. I think he's pretty annoyed about the fact that you lied to him about your enforcement of the Hunting Act.

I've explained to him that you've told South Molton Police station to ignore my illegal hunting.

I'd suggest therefore that we come down to Middlemoor and hand the video footage and a signed admission of guilt direct to you. Could you kindly let me know if that would be practical.

I think all of us feel that it really is about time you got off your behind and started enforcing the law. You're meant to be responsible for upholding the rule of law not just sitting there creaming off my taxes into your public service pension fund.

Kind Regards,


Ps I hope you like my postings on the Western Daily Press website


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22 June 2006
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I don't particularly support any hunting which is currently legal under the Hunting Act. As a matter of principle I only support forms of hunting that are against the Hunting Act. If people choose to obey the law then that is up to them and I wouldn't condemn them for it. I just feel that they should break it.

I don't agree with the staghounds flushing with two dogs and then shooting the deer. I think they should either use three and shoot it or use two and not shoot it.

However I don't support all of those either. I don't for example support a dog being put under ground to fight a fox. I don't support packs of dogs being set on deer which are enclosed by fencing.

Would you like to come down as well Jerryboy? You'd be most welcome. We're qute near the M5 or I can pick you up at Tiverton Station. Beers are on me. You could do your bit to get the Hunting Act enforced.

To be honest there are probably an almost infinite number of different ways one could hunt with dogs. Because I am a liberal open minded guy and not a complete cretin then I'd have to look at each one and decide if I support it or not.

I once saw an article about dogs being used as live bait to catch sharks. Is that hunting with a dog? On balance I think I'd generally be against that.


Well-Known Member
22 June 2006
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BTW and to clarify matters:

I wrote "I don't for example support a dog being put under ground to fight a fox." I'm not refering to flushing foxes out from below ground, I'm referring to deliberately using 'hard' terriers below ground to fight foxes. These are two very different things.


Well-Known Member
21 October 2005
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No law regarding hunting will be easily enforced, you're suggestions are even more difficult to understand than what we currently have.

Cool, I look forward to it.....


Well-Known Member
22 June 2006
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No I'm not I'm suggesting that you should have to prove that someone is doing something wrong before you make them guilty of an offense. Laws a justified by the lines they draw. They should at least attempt to draw a line demarcating wrong from right.

If the concept of cruelty is difficult then so be it.

Likesay there's nothing actually WRONG with breaking the Hunting Act.

It will be a laugh Endy I assure you. I've invited Chris Gale!