Well-Known Member
Just wondering what exercises your horse appears to enjoy the most when clicker training?
I bought Alexandra Kurlands starter pack and have been doing CT for about a fortnight. Its going great and really helping strengthen my bond with my youngster. Its amazing how quickly he learns with the clicker.
I have only taught him one trick which is fetch. And he can do this with a variety of different objects (today it was a bright blue flip flop!) By trick I mean something that doesnt particularly have a practical application but is purely for fun.
The rest of the time I use the clicker for other things like standing still, having feet picked out, backing up etc . Although he is happy doing the other stuff I have noticed that he absolutely LOVES playing fetch so I tend to use this as a reward for doing well at the other, more practical activities. But now he has got that nailed I am wondering what to teach him next. Dont want him to be a one trick pony ha ha...
I still want to keep the majority of what I do practical stuff but it would be nice to have a few more tricks mixed in to keep him interested.
I know it shouldn't matter whether he is taught a 'trick' or a regular activity, the end result should be the same but I think its because I was already training him to pick up feet, back up etc, he knew the commands, CT was just reinforcing it. Whereas with fetch it was completely new, like nothing I had ever asked of him before and really got him thinking. The light bulb moment he had with fetch was brilliant to watch and he still gets really excited when he gets it right and gets his little bit of carrot bless him!
So tell me, what trick does your clicker trained horse enjoy the most?
I bought Alexandra Kurlands starter pack and have been doing CT for about a fortnight. Its going great and really helping strengthen my bond with my youngster. Its amazing how quickly he learns with the clicker.
I have only taught him one trick which is fetch. And he can do this with a variety of different objects (today it was a bright blue flip flop!) By trick I mean something that doesnt particularly have a practical application but is purely for fun.
The rest of the time I use the clicker for other things like standing still, having feet picked out, backing up etc . Although he is happy doing the other stuff I have noticed that he absolutely LOVES playing fetch so I tend to use this as a reward for doing well at the other, more practical activities. But now he has got that nailed I am wondering what to teach him next. Dont want him to be a one trick pony ha ha...
I still want to keep the majority of what I do practical stuff but it would be nice to have a few more tricks mixed in to keep him interested.
I know it shouldn't matter whether he is taught a 'trick' or a regular activity, the end result should be the same but I think its because I was already training him to pick up feet, back up etc, he knew the commands, CT was just reinforcing it. Whereas with fetch it was completely new, like nothing I had ever asked of him before and really got him thinking. The light bulb moment he had with fetch was brilliant to watch and he still gets really excited when he gets it right and gets his little bit of carrot bless him!
So tell me, what trick does your clicker trained horse enjoy the most?