Question regarding 3rd party transporting


Well-Known Member
31 March 2004
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Oh had an urgent phonecall while he was on the roof reinsulating.he dropped everything and went hell for leather to take a horse to the clinic in Asti who had twisted gut and had to be operated on NOW! The owner of the horse had already left the yard where the horse is stabled and had gone home(!) leaving word that said horse had to be taken to clinic immediately and he didnt care who took him. The guy who usually transports for him was on holiday so the vet called Sandro and as I said he left in two mins and got the horse to the clinic leaving tons of rubber on the motorway. Horse was operated and survived and is due to go home next week. Problem is this..owner called re bill and called Sandro a thief when he heard the price and so far hasnt paid. Sandro explained that the usual practice is that the cost covers the ROUND trip and not just one way. Seeing as he asked his usual price of 70 cents per kilometer when he had a horse with twisted gut on board and had been given various syringes to give if things went wrong, I think he was more than honest. S has called F, who is the guys usual transporter, and was told that F couldnt pick up the horse to bring him home but a friend called C would and the charge is exactly what S asked. What I would like to know is-in GB, is it normal that the owner pays the round trip even if the horse is dropped off? How much does transport cost per mile? Does the cost change if its an emergancy call out? Hope Ive explained myself well. We are getting sooooo fed up with bloody horse people. Mairi.


Well-Known Member
21 June 2005
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I think he is taking the Mick. He was lucky to find someone that could step in so quickly.

Any sensible transport business charges the total mileage from their base to the pick up point and the pickup point to the destination and the destination back to base.


Well-Known Member
28 September 2005
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In GB you are not allowed to transport a horse for profit because it invalidates your insurance. I prefer not to move anyone elses horse because I get no compensation for the time taken out of my day if all they do is put diesal in the tank. I would not leave a horse to suffer but would expect diesal to cover there and back.

the watcher

Well-Known Member
4 November 2004
in a happy place
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I think it would be ususal for a transporter to charge for the round trip, obviously with time to organise things they would have horse lined up for the return trip to reduce costs all round, but this doesn't work in the kind of emergency you describe.


Well-Known Member
31 March 2004
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Its the same here re insurance but living in uma uma land everyone does it and I cant blame them.To get yourself legal is beyond a joke and youd be as well closing before opening.Horse owners know the risks before loading and accept it as it is. If you own a horse here you have to declare it on your tax return and pay the consequenses.Horses are classed as a luxury here and the tax man will tax you on a salary of 40,000 euro if you declare one horse wether you keep him on a shoestring budget or on a 5 star yard.No bloody wonder people arent honest here-they cant afford to be!!! Mairi-owner of 1 horse, 1 pony and 1 donkey and if they catch me I go to prison for tax evasion!!!