Question regarding cap!


Well-Known Member
20 January 2008
Thirsk, North Yorkshire
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How much would a cap be in most hunts for a farmer who's land is used by the hunt?

OH and I are hoping to go out a couple of times this season and he reckons as a landowner whose land is hunted over they normally don't expect anything but I would have thought they would. Too embarrassed to ask!! :eek:


Well-Known Member
25 November 2005
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Well, I could be in a similar situation. If it was me, I would have a quiet word with the secretary, saying - we were thinking of having a couple of days out this season, err, would we have to pay a cap?
No need to be embarassed. The thing is to make sure that people in charge know who you are - i.e. that you are a local landowner otherwise they will just treat you as an ordinary visitor. If it wasn't for you there wouldn't be any hunting.

I usually turn up at the meet of the beagles and the master always introduces me as one of the landowners, just so people are nice to me! The hunt doesn't meet here any more due to increased housing, change of ownership of land, etc, but we used to have a meet at one farm. Trouble is, it is so long ago that not many people remember, so I doubt if I would get away with a cheap day's hunting any more. We don't even get a free point-to-point pass now. Pity.


Well-Known Member
13 August 2008
Shropshire the undiscoverd county
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Only Farmers who ahve over 40 acres who's main income is from farming will get a discount of £100 off the subscription fee in our area so they would pay £600 for the year + field cap, There is some flexiability to this so If you only wanted to go a couple of times some sort of arrangement would be made. You will need to speak to you local hunt.

North Shropshire