Questions! First Hunt / Getting Involved.


Well-Known Member
23 December 2009
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Sorry for the mass of newb questions, but I've always wanted to try hunting.
I've noticed that a date is coming up within riding distance ( about 5miles) I don't have access to a horse box, so I thought this may be a chance to have ago.

However, Is there only certain days that the hunt will except newbies? how does it usually work getting involved etc? I know to ring the Secretary but wanted to educate myself a little before I brave to ring up and ask as I have no idea how things work!

Also I currently don't have anything to wear that would be suitable other than a hat, I don't particularly want to spend aload of money for something that may not happen or if it does won't happen often due to transport/ or perhaps it may not be my cup of tea.
I will look into seeing if I have any family/friends that have a jacket or something to borrow and I don't mind buying a stock and suitable coloured jodphurs, but what footwear is suitable can you wear short boots?and is there alternatives if I can't find a jacket to borrow?

Thankyou, sorry if thats far too many questions!
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Well-Known Member
5 October 2006
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First suggestion would definately be to wear more than just a hat !! you may be a little cold haha

All hunts I think are different, ours accepts newcomers I think on any day although certain days may be more suitable than others (smaller midweek meets for instance) and ours lets you hunt on a day ticket as often as you want without subscribing whereas some only allow a certain number of visits before you need to fork out for full subscription.

Cream or similar jods - boots and chaps would probably be fine (seen quite alot at our meets) and either tweed or black jacket alhtough main season is normally black jacket a tweed is acceptable all season as far as I am aware! check with secretary to see if you really need a stock or if someone could lend you one.

main thing is definately go and have fun, I went on about my 5th today and it was brilliant ! people very friendly and totally addictive !!!!!

Will also help if you hack there as it may take the edge off - also would put green ribbon (or green electrical tape) in tail to say you are new to it (or red if yours kicks - as mine does !)

Let us all know how you get on - you dont need to stay out all day - you may find they are further towards your stables at some point and can head back.


Well-Known Member
23 December 2009
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Thankyou for your reply!
I've been a bit niave though, didn't realise how ridiculously expensive it is to go along.
Maybe when I win the lottery ha..


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24 February 2006
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Most hunts have special rates for under 30's/25's and pony club if you are any of these or although it is a long way away now, cubbing which starts end of August/early Sept depending on the pack will also be cheaper.

Best bet is to ring the secretary, if you didn't already and ask! If you do go, echo the above, pony plaited and clean, no bling or coloured stuff! And for you, tweed or black jacket is fine, if no stock, tie and shirt and cream jods and you'll be fine.


Well-Known Member
5 October 2006
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the problem is once you have been you want to keep going then it does get expensive !! ring your local hunt as the ones near us sometimes do a free of charge newcomers day to try and encourage people. Also autumn hunting is much cheaper normally - can be as little as £10 so maybe think about that for next year - its around september/october until opening meet (often 2 or 3 times a week) - for autumn hunting a tweed jacket rather than black - I got mine in tackshop in second hand bit for £25 ! not particularly attractive but does the job.

Also have been well informed that charity shops are good places to find second hand tweed and black hunt jackets. For jods wait for robinsons or derby sale or go on ebay and you should get cream jods for under £20 too (useful if you want to do another other discipline too even just local sj or showing!)

I have just bought black hunt coat for £90 (£75 plus next day delivery as not organised) that was new but shoud last me forever hopefully.

It does all add up but is all one off purchase and most stuff you can sell for good money second hand if decide not for you after a while. For first time just ring Secretary and ask how much, try to borrow a jacket and you are pretty much there !


Well-Known Member
23 December 2009
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Under 25 but not in the Pony Club.
But yes I still need to ring the secretary about it all, so far I've just been asking my friend to bug her friends who frequently go to it ha and internet research.
But getting conflicted prices! so a bit confused, I naively thought it would be like hmm .. £20 quid not the £50 - £100 prices I've been seeing. I honestly can't justify those prices, can't afford it and especially first time I may not be out long.
However I have also been told £10 pounds children, £20 pounds adults but I reckon this is probably for the members/pony club? but guess I'll only find out exactly when I ring.
Problem is the one that I've seen that is within distance is on the Saturday, so probably the busiest and most expensive? Ah I don't know!
But If I can't make it this year I'll have a look next year, early autumn as you say, if I'm in the position and have a horse to ride.

Are short boots and smart half-chaps okay then? I would imagine especially the leather looking chaps would look as smart as long boots anyway.
If I can't get a jacket do you reckon I can get away with buying a cheap show jacket? but put some extra layers underneath to keep warm? or would it be really obvious and tacky.
I was thinking of keeping my eye out / raiding the charity shops anyway ha, I can imagine they do pop up now and again.

Oh and about jods, do white/fawn ones ever go see through? LOL this is what I'm worried about, I haven't worn these colours for years but remember the white one not being uhh very solid.


Well-Known Member
5 October 2006
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I reckon the £20 adults sounds like the autumn hunting price. Near us they vary from £40 ish to £100 for days hunting main season (with the hunts who jump more being dearer) but if you were going alot you could subscribe but you would need to go every week to make it worthwhile.

Do ring the secretary and explain you are totally new and want to try but are not sure how long you would be able to stay - you may get lucky and they may wave the fee for first time or very reduce it. I would say you would be fine in short boots and half chaps and the Buff/cream jods I have are very thick and you def wouldnt see anything through them haha

Borrow a jacket - tweed, black or dark blue would prob be fine but again check with sec. I would have thought as one off show jacket would be ok.

Dont be put off about ringing - you have nothing to lose and as someone else said as long as you are clean and smart (you and horse) you will be fine.

If you do go I would take a look at your brakes and upgrade if need be - Pelhams and Cheltenham gags seem popular !

It seems like a big step but you wont regret it if you do it.

Have fun


Well-Known Member
13 June 2010
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i hunt for £5...join pony club! , whenever you want pretty much, just rock up and go, nobody cares :) so long as you pay! everyone is so friendly and welcoming! first time out, pony bolted and we managed to get stuck in a tree, they helped me and my pony out, helped me back on and everyone checked up on me all the way round to see i was ok! even the woman who my pony nearly kicked bucking out with excitement was lovely to me! i get teased about my relationship with trees ever since but everyones just out for a good time! i just wear tweed jacket and pony club tie with black hat silk, seems to do most people along wiht boots and leather chaps :) x