Quick Advice/Opinions Please!


Well-Known Member
14 November 2005
Parisienne Dressage
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Ok, once again this isnt about either of my horses (just so we are all clear on this!) As you all know Bloss has a sharer now and im not sure how many know but one of the reasons they are sharing Bloss is because their pony has been out of action since the end of August and is (was) due to come back into work soon.

Now ive been left in charge of pony as they have gone away for a long weekend and i said id give it its feed once a day and check it over. Pony lives out in field with not much grass in hence it gets a small low energy feed once a day.

They brought pony in yesterday (they went away last night)and trotted it up as always (lameness history which il explain in a minute) and it was lame (great!!). So i felt its legs, all cold, then i felt its hoofs and its off fore and off hind are seriously hot when i felt the hoof wall
The legs are cold tho and there is no pulse (and it definately isnt lami btw). So i picked its feet out and theres no holes or anything abnormal and i gave the soles a good pinch with some pinchers my friend has and he didt flinch when i did it. My immediate thought was an abcess, but in two feet???!!!!

They called their farrier (who didnt answer so they left a message) and pony is back out in field as i am at work until 4pm today, i did check on him this morning and his feet were still really hot but hes happy in his field eating what little grass there is. Also they said they want him left out at the moment, so im just doing what they want (personally i wouldve kept him in over night but its their choice in the end and it seemed happy enough in the field).

Quick history on pony is that in the summer it got bitten by a poisoned rat on its off hind and nearly died, it was pretty horrendous. Then just after it came back into work it had a freak accident and scraped all its skin off its canon bone on the off fore and got a bone infection. On advice of the vet they turned it out for 2months and took his shoes off. 3 days ago the farrier came to put his shoes back on.

My other thought is could it be a reaction to his new shoes going on? Both the hoofs the heat is in are the legs he had problems with over the summer.................

im eager to here peoples views on this one please!


Well-Known Member
5 December 2005
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TBH I would get the vet out to have a look. Little man had cold legs but heat in all 4 hooves the other week, and it turned out to be concussion. But as you say, this is in both the legs that have had previous problems...
I suppose the pony would only need to be a little 'off' for the chance of re-infection to occur. With all he's been through I can't imagine his immune system is that great ATM.
Definately get the vet out if only for your peace of mind.


Well-Known Member
14 November 2005
Parisienne Dressage
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i have to contact them before i get the vet, but his immune system is definately low, they are feeding him that pink powder stuff to try and help it.

im going to check him out again tonight and if there is still heat then i will get the vet, its really hard as they are away and i cant easily get in touch with them!


Well-Known Member
8 January 2006
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I think that given the laminitits history you are probabally right, and this is a reaction to being shod. As there is no pulse its highly unlikely to be nail bind either.


Well-Known Member
5 December 2005
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Have you taken his temperature? if there's an infection it's the easiest way to tell. Any sweating or discomfort in himself? is he happy? eating/drinking/ pooing okay??


Well-Known Member
18 February 2004
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It really sounds like it is related to the shoes to me. I would be inclined to see if it settles for a while. Depending on their reaction to paying the money for a vet, get the vet to ensure nothing more sinister is going on but I would deffo be leaving him out still.


Well-Known Member
22 November 2006
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If I go away I always say to call vet whatever if in doubt. Its hard if you don't normally look after the pony so you don't know if they were hot before he was shod, or do you?

You obviously know the pony though and think he seems ok, but its not normal. How much longer are they away for? If it is an infection I would think it needs treatment asap.

It could possibly be something to do with the shoeing if they've been off for a while, you could get the farrier in the first instance and go from there, as the pony seems happy


Well-Known Member
14 November 2005
Parisienne Dressage
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i know the pony very well and like i wrote in the OP the pony's owner was there last night. to have such heat in just two feet a couple of days after shoeing isnt normal! but like siennamum said hopefully its just a reaction to his shoes.

im unwilling to call the vet unless there is a serious issue tonight with him then i will get the advice of my YO and go from there on contacting them abroad. They are away until sunday evening.


Well-Known Member
21 March 2002
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If he is hoollying round playing in the field but footsore on the hard concrete of the yard then Id say he was sore from the shoeing.


Well-Known Member
11 January 2005
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Could it be nail bind? How lame are we talking here. It's a difficult one because you can't get hold of the owners but if it was mine I would take the shoes off seeing as they appear to be the only thing that has been changed.


Well-Known Member
21 March 2002
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Its possible yes, after all it is a concussion (either from the trim or banging on) so in theory there is some bruising/breakdown.

If it was just one foot, or both fronts or both hinds, Id be more suspiscious.

Perhaps give the farrier a ring and see if he noticed anything prior to working on the feet??


Well-Known Member
11 January 2006
Somewhere in the hills in the sunny south
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and dont dismiss laminitis as so many ponies or horses show different systems, if the pony is out all the time early morning can be the worst for it. like you said if not flinching when you tapped the shoes unlikely to be an infection and the lameness generally gets worse with that one.