quick question


Well-Known Member
16 February 2009
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I was once told that Hunting made the horse! and i will admit that my friends backwards WB did benifit in everyway and turned in to a completely horse.

But is it only the spooky and Lazy that benifit?

Mine is very highly strung and i think hunting will blow his mind, but am i wrong?

The question is do all horses benifit from a season on the hunting field or just some?

Thank you


Well-Known Member
11 April 2009
North Wilts, UK
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In my personal experience you're absolutely right in your assumptions. Hunting can be the making of a lazy / backward thinking / disenchanted or stale horse but it can really cause havoc with those who can be flighty or strong anyway. If you want to make a sound hunter you need to go out several times in quick succession, as the first one or two times they tend to be very quiet, the third and fourth they think they know the programme and get a bit feisty and from then on *hopefully* they will understand and just be a pleasant hunt horse. I dont think taking a strong horse hunting would necessarily cause irreversible damage, and the scattiness it creates in some already fiery horses can be overcome if you want to add hunting to your horsey repertoire. However I wouldn't generally recommend it as a training method for strong/fiery horses as it can create as many problems as it solves.


Well-Known Member
14 November 2007
Thirsk, North Yorkshire, UK
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i would agree with ali_m...
time and patience is worth the effort when you take a nervy/flighty/spooky horse out hunting the first few times. sticking to the back, picking the right days so it doesn't blow their mind, not staying too long so they get too tired/wound up. etc etc

once they've been out half a dozen times then you'll be onto a winner