Rabbit Runs


Well-Known Member
9 December 2014
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I am thinking of getting 2 rabbits. My plan is to make a c and c cage for inside, then get a run for when the weather is nice so they have some exercise and eat all the grass. On none of the websites I have been looking have mentioned anything about rabbits digging and escaping apart for 1 forum. They say that it is very common for rabbits to dig so some times escape. They suggest that you with keep you run concreate or put wire mesh under the grass so they can't escape.

So if you keep your rabbits in a run do you have this problem with them trying to escape?


Snowy Celandine

Well-Known Member
29 April 2010
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I'm not sure what a c and c cage is?

As for runs, yes, some of my rabbits have escaped from them in the past, even with mesh underneath. One used to jump over the top even though it was pretty high and another used to get out regularly but I never found out how he did it. I ended up making a wooden frame covered with chicken wire to stop the jumping boy but could never stop the other one getting out.

I've currently got 3 rabbits and they are in two outdoor dog runs with a large cage and a little 'house' inside the run. I also have a paddling pool that I sometimes put sand in for them to dig in. If you make an outdoor run make it as large as your garden can take and get some tarpaulin for the top as well as a chicken wire 'lid' if you have a climber or jumper.