Racing Saddles


Well-Known Member
4 September 2007
West Mids
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I'm currently on the hunt for a racing saddle to start getting my mare used to wearing a saddle again. It's a long story and i've posted the details before so i wont bore you again but basically she has facet joint arthritis and we thought she'd never be ridden before as she wouldn't even allow a roller to be put on her back, let alone a saddle or rider! She had steroid injections into the affected joints but they had no effect on her. We made the decision to retire her after that and started her on a course of acupuncture to see if it would be more comfortable in the field. Well, the acupuncture appears to have worked miracles! For the first time in 2 years i can now put a roller on tight enough to imitate a girth on a saddle, long rein her using the roller and even lean my weight across her. The vet has advised i get a racing saddle to start off with to get her used to the feel of a saddle again. Soooo, my question to you all is: Where can i buy/beg/borrow/steal a reasonalbly priced racing saddle from. It will only be needed for a few weeks so dont want to spend loads on one, especially as her vet bill so far runs well into the thousands and i'm running on empty finance wise! :rolleyes: If anyone can help or advise it will be greatfully received! :D


Well-Known Member
28 May 2009
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I am somewhat puzzled by your vets advice. A racing saddle is designed for racing , not for sitting. very few racing saddles have any form of tree , and dont spread your weight.Are you just planning to lead the horse round in it ,or ride on it? If the latter, I think your vet is bonkers. Has he ever tacked up a racehorse ? does he know that you dont just slap a racing saddle on?I wouldnt even contemplate a flat race saddle. Needs to be at least an NH one.We always (even in a race ) used shed loads of foam under the saddles.


Well-Known Member
4 September 2007
West Mids
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No Mike, not to ride on. She's no where near ready for that stage yet. Would purely be something saddle-like to put on her back to accustom her to have something different to a roller strapped to her back without having the full weight and feel of an english saddle on her, which is what she was terrified of before. (Its a very long story and a very complex mare! We dont think it was purely a pain related fear, a lot of it was tension and fear of the saddle. As i mentioned, it's taken almost 2 years of trying anything before we had this breakthrough to get a roller on and girthed up) Two vets have agreed on this- her regular vet and the vet that comes to do her acupuncture and both have vast experience in several disciplines, one of which being racing so i trust their advice :) I do see where you're coming from if you thought it was to ride in though, I can assure you it wont be :)


Well-Known Member
25 March 2011
North Dorset
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I would totally challenge your vet - never heard of anything so ridiculous as this.

Racing saddle never fit a horse, and with a horse that has problems you need something that fits.

No vet has ever been taught on how to fit a halter let alone any form of tack unless they have done so off their own back. It is just not part of their training.

So, I agree with Mike.

It can be nothing to do with weight if she doesn't mind you leaning over her so, use a well fitting saddle. or a felt one.


Well-Known Member
13 May 2010
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Would you not be better getting a very cheap synthetic saddle? Especailly if your going to ride in it. Racing saddles are not designed for horse comfort, we all used to ride with two or three poly pads underneath. I do think it rather strange that your vet would suggest this.


Well-Known Member
9 March 2011
Was Caterham on the Hill, Surrey now Wales
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I'd recommend a light synthetic that fits well too if any of my customers had this problem and doubt as others have said a racing saddle would be any good.
Vets are not trained in saddlery, yet they go round inspecting riding school tack for their licences but that's another story!


Well-Known Member
4 September 2007
West Mids
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Sadly a cheap saddle, synthetic or otherwise is definitley not an option. Any english saddle that we put on her will have to fit 100%, and probably be made to fit her. I really dont think she will tolerate this at this stage. It's not a weight on her back issue,she's always been quite tolerant of this, its the actual saddle that is the big issue for her. I will admit my knowledge of racing is slim to none as it has never interested me but one of the vets who suggested it is a very experienced all-round horsewoman, not just a vet and whom i also consider a good friend having worked with her for several years so have never had any reason to question her judgement. Maybe a racing saddle isnt the best option but i ran out of ideas with her a long time ago and have been open to any options thrown at me.


Well-Known Member
28 May 2009
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I take your point ,and understand that the horse is not to be ridden in the saddle, yet i am still puzzled. You see, If I was a vet who knew what I was talking about , I would have realised that racing saddles come in all sorts of weights and shapes , Its a bit like saying a dressage saddle is as good as an eventing saddle. Perhaps I have missed somthing and please dont think I am being negative because this is your precious horse we are talking about. If it were my useless layabout ,Bob the nota cob , I would be looking at every option too.


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8 December 2011
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I join issue with you there. My view is entirely opposed to yours.


Well-Known Member
4 September 2007
West Mids
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Be positive- yes something like that may do the trick! :) going to have a good look at those now. Could use that for my other girl too as I ride her bareback quite a lot.


Well-Known Member
3 February 2011
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Go on the jumpingforfun website and go on the classifieds, they usually have some on there. I got mine in great condition for £25. (Not a racing saddle, an exercise one instead which is a bit bigger and has a bit more structure to it, but does the same sort of thing)

Little Squirrel

Well-Known Member
13 June 2011
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The only thing is racing saddles have to be put on pretty tight as they slip easily so not sure if it would defeat the purpose. You can pick them up pretty cheap as someone else said on jumping for fun. If you do get one make sure you use a breastgirth with it.