

Active Member
13 November 2006
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Some people in the horse world are so annoyong!

Why cant they just be supportive and pleased for each other just once in a while.

I have had my first horse for 6 months, i have rode for years but this is the first horse i have actually owned and it has been a real eye opener so far!

I only know a couple of 'horsy' people, if i mention my horse jumps well all i get is, ''mine jumps higher/better'' or i mention he has a fast canter, a problem i was actually asking for help with, but yet again ''mine would not let you get past us, he is superfast'' etc, etc!!

I went to watch a show recentley, i did not know any one there , but i decided i would go along and look.
A young rider went into the ring and I overheard one woman say to another '' I hope she falls off''!

Without wanting to sound sexist, i personally find this to be more of a problem with females.

Why do some horse folk have to be so down right jealous and false?

Also, i live at the side of a riding school, the riders pass my house every time they go out, but they never speak, let alone ask me if i would like to join them so i always have to hack out alone.

I could never be so inconsiderate to people!


Well-Known Member
18 November 2005
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Welcome to the world of horsey people!!! I find the same myself which is why I keep myself to myself and just enjoy my horse without too much interferance. I find that people are only ever interested in talking about themselves and their own horses and seem to shut off if you try to talk about yours. If I had a pound for everytime I have been given 'advice' or told I should be doing this with my horse or do that with him or why don't you take him to such and such!!!
It's a shame although I am sure we are not all like it.


Well-Known Member
7 November 2006
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Has that got it off your chest?

What you are talking about is human nature in any sphere of society - not nice but that's what we are like.

As for the riders from the riding school - if they are on a led hack then they are paying clients and not likely to want, or be allowed by their insurance, to take "extras" along.

However, a riding school is open to the public. As a member of the horse-owning public have you tried to go round there and make friends with any livery owners they may have? It's far easier for you to go on to the public premises than them to call round to your private house.

Are you a previous client of the riding school - in that case I suggest you renew your acquaintance with them! If not then it's hardly surprising that they don't know you or particularly want to know you and again the onus is really on you to go and make friends there.

Good luck with it and I hope you enjoy some friendly hacks soon.

ps I nearly always have to ride out on my own!


welcome to the horse world!! it's unbeilievable isn't it?? my OH took up shooting and couldn't be made to feel more welcome by people at the club, but horsey sets are just sooo jealous. i get the same with my ponio, if i take her to shows further afield we do very well, being placed in big classes, but if we go to local riding club, who always have the same set of commitee member judges......we never get placed LOL!! i've had other riders cut me up and block my girl completley, i have never had this elsewhere!!!


Well-Known Member
8 May 2005
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Do they have liveries at the Riding School. If so perhaps you could leave them a note saying you are looking for people to hack out with.
Re the comment at the show I have to confess that I have made similar comments myself - but only about people who have been particularly obnoxious & rude tpo others in the warm up arena - maybe that was the case here.


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13 November 2006
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Yes i have been up to the yard, i have introduced myself as well.
My fields are at the side of there and my house is right there too.

I have spoken to them and tried to get into conversation.

The yard owner is great, i rang her on two occassions and asked if i could hack out with her and she let me, but i dont want to ring again, i would feel like an obsessive pest!

The other people are horse owners , they ride out past my house and i shout' Good Morning/Afternoon'' but when i do not speak first, they do not acknowledge me.

I do hack alone but it gets a little boring sometimes and i would like company just now and again.

Nevermind, as someone said........Welcome to the horse world!


Well-Known Member
21 December 2005
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I find that people are only ever interested in talking about themselves and their own horses and seem to shut off if you try to talk about yours.

[/ QUOTE ]

I am afraid this is tooooooo true. Which is why I am in the same position as you, but I do ride out with a couple of people from the nearby livery yard. I know loads of horsey people, but tbh, they are so busy talking about their own horses and how wonderful they are, that they don't actually know anything at all about mine.


Well-Known Member
2 April 2006
I do not think a comment "Hope they fall off" is necessary no matter what has happened in the collecting ring. What are these adults or children?? I also understand that if you are on your own it can seem a bit daunting to approach the liveries directly, how about an ad in the local shop? My horses are kept on a large yard (over 40 horses) therefore there is always some sort of conflict usually because people can't keep their advice to themselves to the extent it is pushed onto them. I hope you do find someone to hack out with and I am sure you are big enough to ignore the small people.


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13 November 2006
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Thanks Magic104, yes i am able to ignore them (silentley)

Good idea about an advert in the local shop!

I am new to this area you see, so that makes things a little harder , i dont really know where all the local hacks are!

But i am glad i had my rant, sometimes just bashing the computer keys helps the frustration.



Well-Known Member
7 November 2006
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You said in one of your other posts that you were having lessons - but presumably from what you say about contact this YO not at the yard next door to you?

Perhaps you may have got yourself caught up in some rivalry between establishments?

Maybe it would be an ideal time, whilst you are not able to ride, to talk to the owner of this yard about lessons to help you cope with your boy when you are able to ride again and to ask if she has any sensible pupils who might like to help out by exercising yours? That would certainly provide an avenue of communication at different levels in the yard. And you might even get someone to give you hand with the mucking out!

Whereabouts are you based btw?


Well-Known Member
18 October 2006
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The other people are horse owners , they ride out past my house and i shout' Good Morning/Afternoon'' but when i do not speak first, they do not acknowledge me.

That is soo rude. Its the horsey world im afraid everyones horse is better than somone elses. I love my GG to bits and would never give him up untill i have to but have serious thoughts about giving him up due to constant bitchiness. Im 21 I want peace when I get to the farm not 15.

Im going off the subject a bit now sorry. I would go up to them and ask they minded you riding or go upto the yard and introduce yourself otherwise you may find yourself riding alone again. Its hard and even if they are a let down you can a least say that you have tried. Have you got more than one horse? ask someone along to ride one of your horses out if you dont mind.

Other than that enjoy your own and your horses company I do sometimes.


Well-Known Member
8 May 2005
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Adults who insisted on putting the practice jump up to 2'6" during a 1'6" class. Then when told to put it down again stood in the way & loudly slagged off all the little kids even the ones who were at their first show.

Happy Bird

Well-Known Member
19 August 2003
London/Kent border
Cocobay - you poor thing ! Where are you based ?? Maybe because I'm probably a bit older, but everyone at my yard loves my horses, and always ask after them. Everyone is genuinely supportive of one another. I love seeing them do well at comps too. I can't believe what a load of b***hes there are out there !!