

Well-Known Member
4 June 2003
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When ( I am white by the way and married to an Indian Hindu) I worked in London as a young girl (sadly a fair few years ago) it was quite common to see an advert for a flat for instance, that would say at the end No dogs, kids or wogs! No one thought anything of it.In the NHS (who incidentally could well give Jade Goody and a fair few others lessons inr rascism ,well the medical side certainly could) it was common in the casualty to have drunks coming off the street, injured during fights, screaming I AM NOT BEING TREATED BY ANY WOG. Nothing was done to make them restrain their language or behaviour. There is MUCH more than that. There was a definate glass ceiling for women as well. Sexual harrissment/racial harrisment as apart from a bit of light lhearted jokeing or slight tactless did/does exist.My husband says rascism is all over the world and you can get black on black certainly. My husbands partner (Nigerian) is married to a british asian girl and her family won't have anything to do with them or their little girl.I think its encouragng to see how people did protest at what they say as rascist bullying and a sign that society is moving in the right direction however as a lot of what was said would have been unremarked on a few years ago.


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27 December 2001
"I think its encouragng to see how people did protest at what they say as rascist bullying and a sign that society is moving in the right direction "

I fully agree !


Well-Known Member
23 November 2006
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Absolutely agree, although I think the UK still has a long way to go.
Recently I was sitting in hosp waiting for an appt when I saw a Muslim girl sittng outside waiting for a bus, I noticed peoples faces sitting next to me and one particular woman had absolute hatred on her face and began to mutter under her breath, I do blame poor reporting in the tabloid papers though they certainly do not promote understanding.


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14 July 2005
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So agree! Its seems to be a depressing part of human nature that we often react really badly to any kind of difference, and I think that the tabloid press play on this all the time just to sell copies. So much racism/bullying is based on lack of understanding and fear/resentment of difference. So I thought it was encouraging that so many people protested about the bullying in CBB, even though we've still got a long way to go. We don't compare too badly to the French, where you often hear people talking about "the dirty Arabs" without any embarrassment at all!


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2 August 2004
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Its annoying though that the over-politically correct are actually doing more harm than good in this respect. We seem to be in danger of, having made great strides forward from the days of calling everyone derogotary names like those mentioned, in then making great leaps backwartds too and undoing a lot of it.

I saw a report on TV a while ago about the cost of intepreters to public services and also the cost of getting everything translated into x many different languages. Now If I moved to Spain, or Mexico, or Saudi or China - I would not expect everything translating into English for me - and lets face it - it wouldn't be!

But by doing this here - anyone from ANY country who does move here then has no motivation at all to learn English and so they then isolate themselves from the society they have chosen to move to - and this then fosters bad feeling.

Also you have the "Ban Christmas lights/nativity/celebrations/hot cross buns/george crosses - basically anything remotely "British"" brigade that seem to breed in dark corners of local authorities - who stomp all over all their fellow colleagues (and I use the word loosely) "traditions" as they are sure it "Will offend minorities" which again stirs up much bad feeling when its totally unecessary as if they'd asked the "minorities" involved - its doesn't offend them at all!

I am VERY angry though that this BB thing has got totally out of hand. A lot of the comments that Jade made - much as she is a gobby cow - WERE NOT RACIST. She is a bully more than anything and the racism side has got out of hand which I think sends us backwards again.

Why hasn't there been more said about Jermaines DEFINITELY racist comment about Jackiey being "White trailer trash" - well out of order but thats getting buried in the Jade outcry.

I just think we are our own worst enemies sometimes and stir up problems for absolutely no good reason.

I really have no problem with whatever colour, faith, whatever that anyone is - as long as everyone tries to get on and respect each other and not change the way this country always has been - no more banning anything we do for fear of offence when they are our traditions - and let everyone else have their traditions too. Isn;t that the whole point of having a diverse and colourful ethnic mix to enrich society?


Well-Known Member
14 July 2005
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Agree it has got out of hand - but on the "ban everything" brigade, I heard a programme before Christmas that followed up and investigated in detail about 6 of the reports in the tabloids that various crazy things had been banned ... and almost all of them turned out to be the invention of a journalist!!!! How come they are allowed to do this? If it was one of us we'd be sued for libel. And it creates enormous bad feeling on the basis of LIES! Makes me mad. The media should be trying to be accurate and to create harmony, not deliberately print lies to stir up emotion and prejudice


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4 June 2003
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The media do tremendous damgae. For instance, you want THE MUSLIM view on something. Do you go down the road to the nice, English speaking fully integrated family? NO You go straight to nutters r us Muslim version and ask them.Nice normal balanced opinions are not news worthy. Incidently ther are nutters r us Chritian, Jewish etc etc versions too but at the moment its the muslim version that seems to be the most fashionable.My husband is an imigrant. He works for the NHS, speaks fluent English and sent his son (my step son) to a good all round private school. He worked hard and could afford it. Step sons friends were from a mixture of races but his best friend was white English.We live in a mixed (although predominantly white) area. I would say he is more representative of immagrants than a lot. Agree calling Jade cheap white trash is rascist. Jade doesn't treat anyone with respect but why should she when no one it seems to me has ever treated her with any respect.


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1 June 2005
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While I do think it's a good thing that racism is not tolerated I get the feeling that Jade has been made into the scapegoat here so BB and channel 4 can be seen to be doing something. What I want to know is will Jo and Danielle get the same treatment when they get out for their comments (I have seen the clips of them saying all Indians are thin as they undercook their food and the comment about eating with their hands and therefore not wanting to eat anything she prepared as they don't know where her fingers have been) and more to the point why did BB not pick them up over these comments and ask them about them as they did with Jade. Is it because they weren't said to Shilpa's face and that she doesn't know about them? The same goes for Jermaine calling the girls white trash.


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9 January 2007
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jade is the exploited rather than the exploiter. scapegoat comes to mind. ive heard alot worse sed in my time...jermaine jackson reffering to the goody's as white trash? racisist? no! just ignorant...just like jade, but i wudnt say she was ignorant to race, just ignortant to hurting peoples feelings


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2 August 2004
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If Jermaine had called them "trailer trash" - fair enough - just being bitchy.

HOWEVER - put "white" in front of it and that IS racist.

Just like I could call him an idiot. Nothing wrong with that - just being horrible in general. As soon as I call hijm a black idiot - then its racist.

This is the whole point - if you pick on a persons colour its racist even if they are white!


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9 January 2007
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i wudnt say its a racsist remark....it certainly wudnt be taken that way if sed to me!! he actually sed about the white trash on jerry springer which as a white/caucasian person is true, the majority where white people who were trash!


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2 August 2004
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Maybe it depends on who says it then - if a white person calls you white trash - then maybe not. Same as in the US (well maybe other places but mainly hear it there) "black" people call each other niggers - its not a racist remark in that context. If a white person called them that there would be hell on! Just like I would be annoyed to be called a "white *insert insult here*" by someone of an ethnic background. But it needs to be both ways.


Well-Known Member
7 December 2005
I agree about the ban everything brigade - i havent got a problem with different races, cultures, religions or anything - but if you live in our country you should except our country's culture AND AND AND they DO accept our culture - its crazy often british members of the ban everything brigade that make a song and dance about it!!


Well-Known Member
16 January 2007
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Only saw a few snippets of this show but must say I did hear the "white Trailer trash" comment and though ummmmmmm????I also believe he said that he felt easier when he saw another coloured person enter the house? ummmm what irkes me is that we now cant call a black board a black board, or use chairman or the gollywog badges... what next eh??!! I dont know..........


Well-Known Member
16 January 2007
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Cant we all just live together and accept each other? Thank goodness some people still have a sense of humour ... stringing a sentence together would be pretty hard otherwise!