That’s not a rat.
what is it then?!
Ordinary voles are smaller than that, could be a water vole? Are you near a water course?
Could be a water vole then, we once saw one swimming in a disused mill pond years ago when we were at livery
Could you get in touch with a wildlife rehabilitation charity to humanely trap and release him/her? The little thing is perhaps lost.
It looks a bit like a Chinchilla!
But if I ignore them won’t the problem get worse as they bred? I’ve read that one can have up to 50 babies in a year!
If your stables are near your house I would definitely not ignore the problem.
happyhollydays - we have now established it isn’t a rat (please see above photo)
I am so glad I posted on here now, as I am just relieved to discover it wasn’t a rat!
Yup that’s not a rat, it looks very cute and I’m glad you didn’t bash it with a shovel.
I was terrified but I think mostly because I thought it was a rat. It made a horrible desperate squeaking noise - I wouldn’t have had the heart to kill it.
Andie02 - thanks for that! ? yes there probably is but I reckon there is some on most yards.
Is it a Degu maybe? It would explain why it wasn't scared of you if it has been released into the wild