RC Eventing @ Pontispool


Well-Known Member
11 August 2005
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Well this is the year anniversary of me having Paddy on loan and at last I have started some eventing, albeit low key. This was our 3rd 1DE, having come 2nd in our first (baby course) and having four stops in xc on our second.

The aim was to achieve a sub 30 dressage and to canter to all the xc fences without wobbles and breaking to a trot.

The dressage felt fab with a few blips (judges words not mine !) and he got a 27 - this is a record for me let alone him but he does find this phase very easy, so I think his future probably lies elsewhere ie BD!

The showjumping was over a fairly easy course which was causing quite a few problems and lots of time faults. He was quite sticky but clear until the last fence, so 4 faults.

Onto the xc. He surprised me in the warmup by actually taking me to the fence - several times !!! He is not the boldest horse, but he has lots of ability and his heart is in the right place - he just needs to think about it all first !

Well he started off a bit sticky but jumped the bogey 2nd fence and then promptly stopped at the third, which was a rolltop coming out of the water. He needed a lot of verbal encouragement for the start of the course but he really learnt to gallop away from the fences, so thats a great improvement.

He stopped once more about half way round the course but it may have been my fault as I was busily adding up in my head that I could still get placed - doh! I really should switch my brain off sometimes.

Anyway, I am over the moon with his dressage and relatively pleased overall with him as I know its just greeness and he will improve for this trip. Had he gone clear xc we would have been 3rd, as it was we finished on 95 as had 23 time faults!

Sorry for the long report - didn't think I had much to say