Ambers Echo
Still wittering on
As title. Deedee looks great now. Has regained the weight and is on week 4 of hacking with no issues. Vet wants to re-scope this week to make sure she is clear. And I can see the logic of that. On the other hand she is needle shy, it involves starving her and it's a horrid procedure. Not to mention the fact that she is not insured and it is not cheap. So an alternative would be to see how she goes in ridden work. She was pretty quick to tell us there was a problem in the first place. And re-scope if she starts bucking or showing pain/weight loss again but otherwise just leave it. Or is there a risk that I have under-treated and a scope would tell us we are nearly-there but not quite. I don't want to end up back at square one with an uncomfortable horse. What do others do?