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hi i live in durham and own 3 horses for the last week i have witnessed 2 men hanging around my filed where my horses are i have found raw onions in the field that someone has tryed to feed them and carrots i have now seen these men on 3 seperate occassions looking very shifty i have witnessed them in 3 different cars 1 was a red toyota pick up and a grey transit van and also a mitishibishi 4x4 always with the same 2 men in tonight when i went down to check on the horses here is one of the men sitting in the red toyota with a cowboy hat on i got his reg number finally and i have reported to the police in which i found out about these men i come on the internet and found page after page re these thieves i am so scared now i have sat up all night and have been doing hourly checks on my horses i have two heavley pregnant mares ready to foal any day please anybody in the durham area just keep your eyes well open these people can change there cars like there clothes dont just look out for a particular car or van what the hell am i going to do until these people are caught as they most certainley have there eyes on my horses