Really hacked off - anohter buyer pulls out....


Well-Known Member
22 January 2004
Was Surrey - Now Vancouver, Canada!!!!!
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as some know, my horse Ludo is due to go up to Leics for hte winter with my friends retired horses.. all fine.

then - someone calls to see him out of hte blue - saw ad in H&H, and arranged to see him Saturday - they came (mother / daughter).. I explained for various genuine reasons, he's not really been ridden over hte summer and the last time he was ridden was when i took him cubbing - and since hten, haven't ridden at all as Bonnie put me in hosp (!!)... seemed fine with all of htat, rode around the school for a short time, then she did, and then she took him off in the large field, and cantered him away from home - had a little trot and really seemed fond of him.

called yesterday to say she's going to have him vetted - all good so far.......

then call this morning to say - pulling out - worried about his weight (!!!) they also have some logistical issues with an existing horse, however she seemed and said she thought he looked really poor and this was a worry!

i got a bit cross really as he's a typical ID - doesn't gain or loose much condition, just gravity has taken over his top line and it's just gone underneath - he's living out 24/7 and rugged, so also fairly hairy and not looking like hte superstar he could!

soooooooo pissed off it's unreal..... why can't people see beyond that - so frustrating.... the amount of before and after pics that come on here you'd think most people would see through that - and he's not 20 - he's only 12!!!


sorry - a really p*ssed off and upset for my Ludo



Well-Known Member
2 March 2005
West midlands
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What a nightmare.......I'm soon to be faced with the prospect of selling my gorgeous little ponio, so your post fills me with dread!

Fingers crossed that someone genuine (and with a bit of common sense!) comes along soon.



Well-Known Member
2 January 2005
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Well all i can say is that if they couldn't see through him not being muscled up properly etc when he hasn't been ridden for the best part of the summer then they aint worth it anyway and i wouldn't want my horse to go to them if they are that superficial.

There is nothing wrong with Ludo's weight either. I have know you for 3 years and in all that time i have never seen Ludo looking poor.

I'm really gutted for you mate but Ludo had a lucky escape by the sounds of it.


Well-Known Member
14 July 2005
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Poor you! I can't understand WHY people do this
... why call and say she wants him vetted, and then pull out with all kinds of reservations that she didn't even mention to you at the time. Maybe they've found something that they like better, but why not SAY SO???? I remember the hassles we had when we advertised a lovely little 3 year old black cob that my daughter had bought unbroken, and she backed and brought him on, but of course he was very green - and we said so, underlined, in the ad. So three people who came to have a look at him said "Oh we didn't realise that he was so green" GRRRR!!
But the story does have a happy ending, which I do hope yours does : we did find an absolutely lovely home for our chap, and the whole family adore him, and he's living in clover. Its just that we have to go through all this hassle with idiots to get at the good buyers!!!


Well-Known Member
22 January 2004
Was Surrey - Now Vancouver, Canada!!!!!
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oh mate - i'm so angry and upset - sitting here crying - aren't i silly!!

he doesn't look fantastic at the moment but there isn't anything wrong with the way he does look and i wouldn't be embarassed to take him out.

i know you are right saying he had a lucky escape but a sale is better than him just going north to anohter field - and they were the first to talk about vettings... surely if htey were worried, they'd have had bloods taken to show he's not ill / got virus or something that makes him not keep weight on...

also - sorry the peeps on your yard have gone funny on you - seems a bit odd...


Well-Known Member
2 January 2005
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Dont get yourself so worked up over it someone WILL come along. Have you contacted the riding school again?? They may take him on loan for the winter

I really think that you should try to advertise him again and give it one last shot before he goes to Leic. To be fair you have only advertised him in a few places. Plus now is the right time to start selling as loads of people seem to be looking at the mo.

Trust me though mate no horse looks their best this time of year, especially one that is living out and normal people should be able to see through this. I think she was just using this as an excuse personally.

If i had the time etc then i would take him on and sell him for you as i know you are having difficulties keeping him where he is at the mo. I really dont know what to suggest mate


Well-Known Member
22 January 2004
Was Surrey - Now Vancouver, Canada!!!!!
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Thanks Hun....

he can't stay after this w/end at my yard - so no choice on Leics.

the girl at my yard who's mate runs the riding school is down there today and took some pics of him to show her and i texted her to say he's not being vetted by the others, but the riding school is short staffed and she is preggie so not 100% sure he'd be looked after that well...??? no staff - no time etc...

thanks for hte offer but you have enough hassles keeping yours and i know you'd help and thanks for offering...

i'm doing all i can.. i really think i am?

I know he's got someone interested in him in Leics and once up there i'll put another pic and ad on the web and see how he goes - if not, i'll leave it till Spring. at least where he'll be, if someone is looking for a horse, he's in the right hands as she knows all the horsey people up there....



Well-Known Member
10 December 2004
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Where abouts in Leicestershire is he going too? If hes up here maybe worthwhile advertising him locally, Welland Valley Feeds is a decent place to advertise, they have a website and send out newsletters to all their customers.