really stressed and worried


Well-Known Member
21 August 2005
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ok. things not going well. My mare used to have a napping/rearing problem. one which we thought we had all cracked. This week she has started doing it again. she has had tack, back and teeth checked. she only does it out hacking, and only if asked to go alone. I have rode her through it this week, but it has left me feeling really annoyed. I am sure she is being pig-headed and naughty, because if she was in pain surely she would do it in the school where she works harder - but she is an angel in there. To top all this we are supposed to be moving this month and if there is a problem do you think this will make it all worse? I have a very experienced rider on her at the moment who says she is just having tantrums and needs a smack. I know she could be in season or having a marish week but it is all a bit strange as she hasn't done it in such a long time.

my question is though should I move her now or leave it?


Well-Known Member
16 November 2005
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I think she knows how to push your buttons - you seem to be finding excuses as to why she is doing this. If she is behaving in the school and not out hacking then it is being plain naughty and nappy and personally think she does need a smack when she does it and riding on - if she naps then you sit there until she goes the way YOU want her to - Sounds like a typical mare!


Well-Known Member
21 August 2005
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thing is she has always been a little bit naughty, but it has never been this bad before. she reared vertical with my experienced friend yesterday. she's never done that before. my friend was cool headed and said not to worry. but I am worried. I don't want her risking her life for my horse. it looked really bad. really high rear. she's always had the occasional marish moment with me, but like I say its never been this bad before.


Well-Known Member
27 June 2006
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Sounds as though she is trying it on, if she had a reason i.e. something spooky out hacking or did it in the school thenI would've given her the benefit of the doubt, sounds like your doing the right thing smack her and send her forward. Maybe she needs bit of company out hacking and has lost some confidence though?
My mare can get like this so I take her out with others couple of times


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21 August 2005
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I'm good friends with the previous owner and she said she always rode her in spurs as it tells her she means business. she came and rode her for me and she was like putty in her hands so good, but I'm worried as have never ridden with spurs before and don't want to ride in the wrong way if that makes sense. she was hacking happily with me before now so am not trying to make excuses. I really want to ride her but you can't blame me for being worried about her rearing vertical???

the watcher

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4 November 2004
in a happy place
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Well they say you have to ask a mare.....I have one who go up if pushed too hard and in fact responds better to more gentle handling.
Will there be company for hacking out at the new yard? Sounds like you need to take two steps back and effectively start afresh with her handling and behaviour. New surroundings would be an ideal opportunity


Well-Known Member
21 August 2005
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yeh thats what I thought - a new start perhaps. I have informed the new yard owner and she says she is really happy to help and that I can ride in company too.


Well-Known Member
21 May 2006
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Oh no, I honestly think that the sudden change in weather etc is affecting so many horses - you only have to look through the posts to see how many of us are having bronco sessions at the mo......

Don't know what to suggest apart from riding her through it - easy to say though I know x


Well-Known Member
17 September 2003
Fylde Coast, Lancs
Oooh, sounds like my mare. Mine had'nt done it since last xmas, then when I started hacking again after my broken leg got better (was only off her for 4 wks!) We had some right bad nappy sessions. She only did it hacking alone and I just worked through it, she responded better to being firm, and being shouted at. No point smacking, sends her into more of a tizzy.

I would move, and try and work her through it - lots of patience and perseverence required with these mares!!


Well-Known Member
30 October 2006
Oh why oh why!! people pander round to their horses behaviour, hence horse gets away with it and gets worse....

Not saying strictly true to OP but NO continue with your plans, as you were, deal with problem when it arises and would definately heed advice of person riding your horse, who said it is being nappy and pigheaded and needs a smack!

If it was in pain it would certainly react in a school working harder. I suppose I am quite stroppy in this post because on our yard a lot of people "pussy foot" for want of a better word and worry about everything, instead of just getting on with the task in hand and dealing with problems as they arise.

I think the more you worry the more stressed you get, the horse picks up on that immediately and you make a problem...

What do you think caused the horse to suddenly start behaving in this way again? Is she worse with you or the other rider?

(sorry if that sounds harsh, not meant to!!)

I really do feel that if people "just got on with it" they would get better results. BTW I wasnt always brave but learnt that that by worrying about something it generally happened rather than chilling out and being a bit more laid back.

Move yards, deal with problem if it comes up, you may find she just surprises you!!!


Well-Known Member
12 September 2006
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I think that by moving, she wont do it at first, until she knows where home is etc, then she may start.

I would be tempted to give her a good wallop, enough is enough and I think she may be trying it on.


Well-Known Member
23 October 2003
Devon UK
I would say in 85% of cases like your mare's it's because they pick up vibes from their rider. go and find someone to boost your confidence (there's a fantastic behavioural specialist in Chudleigh) and I reckon with your new found determination the mare will back off.
The reason she was so good with her former owner is because she knew instantly there would be no backing down, in a lot of cases rearing is because the horse is confused by the signals it's getting from the rider, make them clear and be bloo**y determined and she will stop messing about.
I would get yourself some blunt short spurs and use them for hacking, often the feel of the cold metal is enough to ensure they go forward.
Did you see my post re the dog? i wondered what had happened to it as there has been no mention in the local papers etc?


Well-Known Member
21 August 2005
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Thank you marsdon but I am only worried because she might go over backwards and hurt herself or anyone for that matter. I think that is reasonable, its not because I'm not brave. I do tell her off, as I said she has always been a little naughty and that I have ridden her through it - don't think I would have done that if I had been nervous rider. But rearing vertical is a serious thing. It doesn't matter how brave you are - its downright dangerous. People I know have died from it - thats why I'm concerned!

anyway thanks everyone
I will continue to move and put it down to her being silly. just glad I'm making the right decision. Maybe I need to invest in spurs, just need to know what I'm doing with them as have never ridden with them before.

Henryhorn - heard nothing from police!! will try and contact them and find out... but am just as in the dark as you at the mo.

thanks again


Well-Known Member
30 October 2006

sorry for tone of earlier post was having a bad day!!

Rearing is not pleasant and I dont think anyone that has to deal with should have to do so alone, its damn dangerous and hence whether cracking an egg over her poll (its worked for me with a little mare in the past, stubborn thing she was!) or whatever you need to do to get her out of the habit and know you mean business, needs to be done, sooner rather than later.

If the spurs work with her old owner, its a worth a go, you have nothing to lose. I do wonder if the weather is sending them potty, our new boy fred "the bed head" as he is soooo laid back, even had a "bronc" last week, its unheard of!! - rode him through it and he even tried it again this week!! - they are fed up with the rain, the cold etc.

Can you hack her out a few times with someone else and try and get half a ride back, towards home possibly on your own, going a different direction but somewhere she knows is "way home"?

Again, like I say, its not something to be sniffed at (rearing) I'd sooner deal with a buck anyday, but if she knows you are anticipating it and then you get off/walk away, she has won and will do so even more to get her own way. Time for drastic, i AM THE BOSS!! action...maybe some join up may help too?