Rearing youngster


Well-Known Member
6 November 2004
North East Scotland
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Quick question. Got a new 4yo pony. Just for a play about with, plan to back it etc. Anyway, the little thing is a stroppy little dude - he's still very much settling in so I know all this right now is not really him.

Ive had quite a few youngsters and usually my plan is just to ignore bad / unwanted behaviour and praise good which has usually worked. In this case, when he gets stroppy (for example, he's still getting used to being tied up! And being in the stable!) he has reared right up a few times. He hasn't done it at me or anything, its just part of his angry moment!

Ive ignored it so far and just let him strop until he calms down a bit then I go over and give him lots of praise. But should I stop him doing this immediately? ie. should I yell at him or tap him under his belly when he goes up. I obviously dont want it becoming a habit and dont know him well enough yet to decide if it is something he may keep doing. I hate disiplining babies unless I really have to as a lot of the time it isnt necessary!

Any ideas? Ignore it or tell him off??


Well-Known Member
7 July 2005
With horses like this, it is usually better to let them sort themselves out, have known a lot like it. Have you done anything with him yet, ie lungeing? In my experience they usually go over within a couple of days of starting work and are then the easiest type to break in of all.


Well-Known Member
6 November 2004
North East Scotland
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No, I havent begun lungeing yet. This pony really hasnt had anything done to it. Like I said, it doesnt even seem to know how to tie up (and remain tied up for long.....!) and has never set foot in a stable until today!

So Im leaving lungeing until we get the real basics sorted. Yesterday was spent just teaching it to lead properly! I think he will be fine to break as he is a very willing little chap who seems confident (he's not spooky about anything and merrily walks up to anything new). I just want to make sure he doesnt learn to keep doing this, as obviously it would get dangerous if he did this when I eventually get on him! He is a very solid boy, a serious little power house! Thats why I know that I need to be kind with him but also not let him get away with things as he's the type that just MIGHT test the boundaries a little!

Im hoping to begin lungeing next week and introduce some more things like a rug, bit, saddle.


Well-Known Member
7 July 2005
He will most probably go over, scare himself, and never even think about it again.
Mind you saying that, the trickiest horse I ever had went over backwards every day for 3 months (x6 a day for the first week), he took 6 months to break in but has never reared under saddle. On the other hand a 3yo I broke in last summer spent 2 weeks constantly rearing up, went over and became as docile as anything!


Well-Known Member
2 January 2005
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How long have you had him?

I have just brought a 4yo and she wouldn't tie up, kept pulling back and breaking the leadrope/string and when i put her in the stable she would rear and buck and throw herself against the wall.

I have had her for just under 2 weeks and its only been the last couple of days that she has chilled. She now stands happily outside and i haven't had no rearing or bucking in a few days.

I though 'OMG what have i brought' at first but she has got better and better each day. I didn't disipline her either i just ignored her and it seems to have worked.


Well-Known Member
6 November 2004
North East Scotland
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He seems to be getting better already. Had him less than a week! So of course he is still very much in the settling in stage. And it is a big lifestyle change here to what he was used to.

He tied up in the stable today (and no arguement about going into the stable!), although took a while to catch..... feeling a tad frisky due to the wind! Vet came to give him his vacc and he didnt even notice! I even managed to worm him before he even knew what hit him! And NO rearing today. Even though I faffed for ages brushing him, (trying!) to pick up feet etc. AND he didnt brake the string, first time ever! Yey! I am still using the controller headcollar though (tightens if he pulls) which has been an absolute god-send as I couldnt hold him at all in a usual headcollar, he just charged off! He tried doing a runner twice yesterday but instantly came back to me.

I think he is a very quick learner. He obviously knows he is a powerful little dude so as long as I keep that in check I think he'll turn out great. He is very easy about new things like as I said, I chucked a saddle on him yesterday and walked him about over some poles. He couldnt have cared less! Ok, about twice he freaked out when I went to pat him (everything needs to be slowed down!).