Red Cell or another supplement?


Well-Known Member
4 August 2010
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My girl had a nasty virus back in January of this year, the vet came out on Friday to take some more blood tests, she has just rung with the results, not good, they are still not right and her white blood count is higher than it should be :(

Previously the vet prescribed her with some form of supplement to help boost her immune system, but madam had other ideas and point blank refused to eat any of it, the vet has suggested we leave her for another two months before re-testing her bloods and continue with just light work only (not a major issue as she's only 4).

Are there any decent supplements it could try her on, something like Red Cell? that may help boost her immune system in the next two months so hopefully come July her bloods will be back to normal?

Thanks in advance


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10 June 2005
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A raised white cell count (wcc) is an indication of infection, has your mare been treated with any antibiotics or antivirals?

It's not clear from your post which bloods are abnormal e.g liver, renal, fbc.

Red Cell is a general pick me up, whilst other supplements such as Echinacea, claim to have more specific effects on the equine immune system.

I'd speak to your vet again re: the raised wcc, it sound as though the infection has not yet cleared.
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Well-Known Member
4 August 2010
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A raised white cell count (wcc) is an indication of infection, has your mare been treated with any antibiotics or antivirals?

It's not clear from your post which bloods are abnormal e.g liver, renal, fbc.

Red Cell is a general pick me up, whilst other supplements such as Echinacea, claim to have more specific effects on the equine immune system.

I'd speak to your vet again re: the raised wcc, it sound as though the infection has not yet cleared.

The vet said that the raised white cell count is what they would expect to see with a horse that has had such a nasty virus, and that it will just take time to get back to normal, she didn't actually say which bloods tbf.

She was treated orignially with ventopulmen and antibiotics, the antibiotics were for two weeks.


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20 August 2007
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A raised white cell count can indicate a variety of things, basically that the body is 'fighting something' the best supplement I can recommend is haemavite b plus, it's a blood tonic, it contains additional b vitamins to aid digestion so the horse gets the best out of its food too, it helps with anaemia, immune system and promotes oxygenation of the blood it's highly recommended for recovering horses. It's a reasonable price, I personally would buy the syrup and feed at the maximum dose. It's super stuff I can't rate it highly enough!


Well-Known Member
4 August 2010
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A raised white cell count can indicate a variety of things, basically that the body is 'fighting something' the best supplement I can recommend is haemavite b plus, it's a blood tonic, it contains additional b vitamins to aid digestion so the horse gets the best out of its food too, it helps with anaemia, immune system and promotes oxygenation of the blood it's highly recommended for recovering horses. It's a reasonable price, I personally would buy the syrup and feed at the maximum dose. It's super stuff I can't rate it highly enough!

Thank you Queenbee - I will have a look at that


Well-Known Member
28 March 2011
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My vet recommended red cell one winter when fatty was looking a bit off I have to say it worked a treat.