Red Mite


Well-Known Member
16 February 2009
Slopping along on a loose rein somewhere in Devon
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Sorry, not intending to sound preachy.

But just a gentle reminder to all those with chooks/poultry to check for Red Mite at the mo...........

I usually try to keep on top of it, but due to the recent hot weather even I was surprised at how much of the little critters have congregated in the chooks house :(

For those new to chicken keeping: Red Mite can be seen as a red blush around perches, nooks & crannies of henhouses, they come out at night and suck the chicken's blood which can be fatal as they will cause anaemia if there is a big infestation.

I used: Diatomaceous earth on the chooks and environs combined with a "bomb" thing which you light and then it smokes through the house.

Will have to keep checking tho'!!!

Pesky things: the worst thing was that because it was hot I didn't bother with my normal protective gear of plastic suit, goggles etc - result: itching and horrible, my skin literally crawled........ uuurrrgghhhh!!!

But this is one to watch especially for novice poultry keepers. Google Red Mite and you'll find all you need to know: plus some very good reputable on-line companies where you can get stuff to sort it.

Just flagging this up:)


Slave to a house cat, 4 yard cats and 2 ponies
2 November 2013
On the edge of the Cotswolds
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I have used Red Stop solution in the girls water for a few weeks now and I have a plastic chicken arc which helps as the mite can't find places to hide. The plastic is also so easy to jet wash which is why I love mine.

For wooden coops as good disinfectant wash and when dried paint with creosote all over and including the nooks and crannies will also help to keep the mite at bay.

Horrible critters but this year so far so good as haven't seen any yet.


Well-Known Member
8 January 2009
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I used to have a problem with scaly leg until I started using Diatomaceous Earth just over 3 years ago. The difference it has made to the whole experience of chicken keeping is quite astonishing! I mix DE into the hens' moistened morning mash; mix it into their shavings bedding both in their house and their nest boxes; puff it into all corners of their house (before I allowed the hens into their house, I sealed all corners and crevices with silicone sealant); mix it in with their soil and sand in their dust bath; puffer it around areas that they frequent alongside the above. The red mite problem I used to have, despite using Poultry Shield religiously in the past, is virtually nil. I can't recommend the product highly enough. I am now using it in my Shires' field shelters and the pole barn in which I over-winter them. I've just covered the entire floor and corners with 50kgs of food grade DE. This is a work in progress to eliminate feather mite.

I've just posted this in a thread about scaly leg in chickens. Hope it helps.