Research project


Well-Known Member
22 June 2006
Sunny Devon
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I was speaking to someone who hunts with the D&S on Sunday. He said that now nthey are getting done for flushing and shooting, they have had a research project commissioned that allows them to hunt and chase deer as much as they like with two dogs.

I was wondering if anyone knew about this.

If you want to kill the deer you mustn't chase it. If you want to kill it then look at it, you can chase it.

What a law.


4 September 2006
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No need to kill it at all. Just so long as you can prove that you have a valid study ongoing of the animals you are chasing that requires you to chase the animals to get the info for your study, then away you go.

If you, say, got a university to commision a study into the routes taken by deer in flight over a five year period, then you can carry on with just two hounds under exemption 9 of the hunting act.

If you can prove that your animal escaped from captivity and was not released for the purpose of being hunted, then you can use a full pack. Wild Boar anyone?