restricted turnout does this sound ok?

Shooting Star

Well-Known Member
18 October 2011
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I'm busy yard hunting with everything crossed that new horsey will pass the vetting and have found a nice yard with a vacancy that is in a perfect location and with good facilities but the trade off is the turnout

summer is out all day and in at night and winter weekends are the same which is fine

winter Monday to Friday though is minimum of 2hrs turnout in a sacrifice field and an hour on the horse walker (plus would be ridden in the pm so getting 4+ hrs of movement or exercise a day)

Does anybody else follow a similar winter regime and are your horses happy with it?
Obviously every horses temperament is different and I don't know the horse I'm buying well but he seemed pretty laid back about being stabled, but not sure if this is too much time in though

Holly Hocks

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1 March 2010
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I think that sounds fine. With the winter we have had where I am, our horses have only been out some days for an hour and they just want to come in. The horse walker bit sounds great - ideal for a leg stretch. Good luck if you decide to go there.


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19 July 2009
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It's really only a decision you can make. Personally I wouldn't have a horse at a yard with such restricted turnout, but that's just me :)


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11 December 2008
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I wouldn't but I am fanatical about turnout and expect mine to be out 12 hours a day even in winter.

However, I think if you have a horse that is happy in it's box that sounds fine. The fact that he goes out every day is the most important thing and it sounds like he'll be getting that so if you like the yard in every other respect and it suits you in terms of location etc then why not? :)


Well-Known Member
17 August 2005
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I think that sounds fine. Remember though that horswalkers can get them very fit, so with an hour a day - assuming thats a good walk or trot - he will be as fit as a butchers dog after a few weeks. Not always a good thing!


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12 April 2003
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I think that should be fine. We have 24hr turn out in the summer, but in the winter those paddocks are closed and they are all kept in with about 2-3 hours each day in samll winter paddocks. They manage fine and soon get used to the routine.


Well-Known Member
4 June 2006
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I'd be worried about how tight the circle is on the horsewalker. Too tight a circle can do alot of damage to horses legs

Shooting Star

Well-Known Member
18 October 2011
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thanks folks.

It is a tricky one as personally I prefer to turn out more than this however the fact that it is only Mon-Fri where there's a restriction is what's making me consider it coupled with the fact that I can't find anything else in the area that is offering better turnout (others are restricted 7 days in winter)

so if it's not this place then it's looking like it will have to be futher out and the trade off there will be that there is no hacking.

... would make me feel guilty if i sacrificed the horses needs for mine if he didn't like being in though and I hate moving yards so would prefer to get it right first time.



Well-Known Member
26 September 2010
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Each to their own. I believe in more turn out the better, so much so that my boy lives out altogether now. But the yards we have been on that required us to be in my 7pm he was always the last one still out lol. Personally I couldn't think of anything worse than my horse standing in at night during the summer ... But at the end of the day it's a choice you have to make and IF it doesn't end up suiting the horse then you can always move.

Holly Hocks

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1 March 2010
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It sounds fine to me, except the hour on a horsewalker, sounds far too long on a tight circle for me!

It depends on how big the walker is. I used to be at a yard with an 8 horse walker and it was great - not tight at all.....but I think an hour is too long - 30-45 mins maximum for me really.


Well-Known Member
25 May 2009
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I wouldn't touch restricted turnout with a bargepole personally

Horsewalkers are no substitute for turnout - really, really irritates me when some yard link them together. Horsewalkers for exercise/rehab are fine, can be really useful - as alternative to turnout not fine at all! And an hour is far too long IMO.

Turnout for me is all about allowing a horse to behave like a horse, herd interaction is vital, as is the movement associated with grazing.

I'd keep looking personally, impossible to say how a horse will cope - but I don't believe that even if they do cope that we should ask them to do it.


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23 August 2010
North Wales
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In winter my horses have restricted turn out in woods with no grass. They do have adlib haylage though. I think a leg stretch is all they need as mine do not like standing in a boggy wet field with poor quality grass getting rained on! Mine also do 45 mins on a walker towards the start of the eventing season. Walking is unlikely to get them very fit as it does not increase heart rates that much. if your horse doesn't mind being in his stable then go for it!


Well-Known Member
6 July 2010
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At my yard in Winter horses get two mornings a week and if weather is really bad nothing at all. We have to ride every day as there is no school or horse walker or anything. Yes it does bother me and i am looking for new yard. My horse is better this year than last year and when ALL the horses are on the same routine then he seems fine, it's when some are out and some are in there is tension.


Well-Known Member
18 October 2006
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Restricted daily turnout I would possibly cope with, but no way locked up nearly everyday.

Riding to me is no substitute for this. I would much rather 2-3 hrs turnout and riding if absolutely necessary .


Well-Known Member
23 September 2004
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Been there, done that, never again.

Although my horses coped and were well mannered, it wasn't fair on them or me. I don't like them living their lives in a holding container.
The time spent in a sacrifice paddock tends see the horses standing waiting to come back in and an hour on a horse walker is far too much, even if it was a large one with a good surface.
Then there is the pressure to ride/exercise everyday regardless of how many people, all in the same boat, are trying to use the menage at the same time.

Horses stabled for excessive lengths of time are more prone to physical and emotional problems, stiffness, filled legs, pulled muscles, breathing ailments and stable vices.

Sometimes when I'm trudging through the mud to bring in a muddy horse, I dream of a clean horse waiting conveniently for me in the stable, but I just can't do it to them.


Well-Known Member
22 July 2010
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Honestly no I do not think that is enough time out. I am going to sound extreme but I went from 24/7 turnout to stabled 10 hours a day. My horse coped fine but when we eventually went back to 24/7 turnout she was so much happier. I appreciate this is very different but I would always want maximum decent turnout.


Well-Known Member
9 August 2009
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he will cope if those are the only options, personally i would rather have them out all day! could you ask if yours could be out all day tues and all day thurs (instead of the sat/sun) then 2 hours out on the other days as at least at the weekend you can go for a 2 to 3 hour ride or a competition? that would be a better compromise, but the yard probably know this and have allowed all day TO at weekends knowing people will be up and doing their horse more!! and yes an hour on the walker will get them very fit after a few weeks.. does the yard give them ad-lib hay when they are in?


Well-Known Member
9 August 2009
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and i would think it would be easier if the yard used the big fields in winter and the little ones in summer! far less mud and happier horses


Well-Known Member
15 September 2009
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Not for me. An hour on horsewalker every day I personally think is too much repetitive strain on circles on the joints. At least they get two hours out-but how bad do the sacrifice fields get?

Well-Known Member
20 November 2011
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My spooky, mental 5 year old horse copes with an hour and a half turnout a day in winter. I ride five days a week and he isn't ever that naughty.

If I could, I'd move him to a field so he could have 24/7 turnout but he does 'cope'.


Well-Known Member
29 April 2010
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If the trade off is restricted turnout or restricted hacking, I'd take the restricted turnout any day. You want to enjoy your horse and not just be riding in an arena. Good hacking for me is essential. A few hours everyday out in the field will be fine. Agree the hour on the horse walker might be a bit much but I am guessing he doesn't have to be in there for an hour. :)


Well-Known Member
7 August 2010
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Mine are all out 24/7 now, and have been for the last seven years. The two most recent additions both came from busy 'pro' yards and were used to much less turnout. One boy would get breakfast, walker, 2hrs turn out, then stable, rug, haylage....the works. The first day he got turfed out at 7am, and brought in at 5pm he really didn't know what to do with himself. The first time he got turned back OUT after his tea, his face was an absolute picture. It didn't take him long to twig that it meant fun, mud, and friends, and he loves it. The other new boy embraced 24hr turnout with a passion - he is happy and content, and has made it very obvious which life he prefers. He spent a week back on a yard, and dropped condition like you wouldn't believe, and it took a lot of regaining.
The thing that concerns me about your yard is that the rules seem very rigid. If it's been chucking it down, the fields will be equally as wet at the weekends as during the week. Likewise, if it's dry, the field will be dry all week. Paddocks should be 'opened' and 'closed' according to the conditions, not the day of the week ;) I think you have to see how it works for your horse, and be prepared to move if necessary. Personally, I'd rather rent a field to get the turnout, then use what is saved on livery/bedding etc, to hire facilities as and when they are needed.

Shooting Star

Well-Known Member
18 October 2011
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thanks all, it's still something that doesn't sit totally comfortably with me either which is why i'm still looking and wanted to get some views as it's not something i've ever done or wanted to do. I've done in by night out by day and out 24/7 before and both have worked well.

It's not as bad as it sounds in that the sacrifice paddock is thick with grass at the moment - it's a small yard of around 7-8, the time on the walker is up to the owner and is only at a gentle walk and from a rider perspective the hacking is the yard gate - you have to drive down a byway type muddy lane to get to it then there are a miles of bridleways with only the odd road crossing but no roadwork as such, rare in this area... and it's just 2 miles from my house!

but i do totally agree with the majority that it isn't my absolute ideal, was trying to ease my guilt at considering it but you've confirmed what I was really thinking so still looking although I'm finding similar regimes at the other yards which have vacancies. If the horse passes the vetting then I may have to use it or something similar for a few months and get my name on the waiting list for one which has better turnout if I can't find something this week.

ta all xxx


Well-Known Member
24 April 2007
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I'd be worried about how tight the circle is on the horsewalker. Too tight a circle can do alot of damage to horses legs

Maybe with a bigger horse but my vet recomended a walker to get my gelding walking out again after 10 weeks box rest due to a bone chip and ligament damage.

its depends if you are happy and the horse copes.
personnally I like mine to be out as much as possible, usually 12 hours a day in winter and 24/7 in summer


Well-Known Member
16 August 2010
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Sounds like a better deal then most yards offer in winter however with combination of a new home and restricted turnout be prepared for possibly having a fresh horse to ride/handle.


Waffled a lot!
7 June 2010
north west
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I think it sounds fine!

The horse will be going out every day, and getting ridden... It will be perfectly happy - it will get it's "horse time" every day, have company, feed, and work. You hardly need the horsewalker anyway.

In summer, if my horses live out 24/7 they are fat as pigs, even with grazing muzzles, and are better if they come in either nights or days. We choose daytime in the summer as it gets them out of the heat and the flies.

I think that getting NO turnout is bad, but SOME turnout each day is great. I wouldn't panic and try other yards - give it a go. Most horses would be fine on this system.


Well-Known Member
22 March 2011
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I think as the thread is showing, its personal preference really.
Your horse when you get one,may be a bit of an unknown entity and if being ridden and on the walker for that amount of time will become very fit, couple this with restricted turnout and dietry management in the winter, you may find other issues arise, or not,depending on the horse.
For my guys, i prefer turnout, i have limited grazing so sometimes restrict by necessity in really bad weather, but the very least amount they ever get is 4 hours every day.
I would prefer 2 x 20 min sessions, with the walker changing direction regularly rather than an hour, but not sure if i'd settle for whats on offer.