Restricted Turnout


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7 March 2009
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Hi all - I just have a question about restricted turnout

My girls are now at a yard where the winter turnout is very restricted (a few hours every other day). We have a horsewalker and several schools to work in. They seem to be coping really well with the regime (been there about a month). Prior to that they'd been used to daily turnout in winter (although they spent much of their time waiting at the gate to come in!).

I'm trying to stick to a good routine where they're ridden as often as possible and are not just "stuck inside" all the time and as I say, no adverse effects noticed at all at the moment.

I'm just wondering if there's a sort of cumulative effect of them being stabled for so long? Can I maybe expect problems down the line (and I'm thinking mental more than physical). Or would you think that if they were going to go potty they'd be doing so already?

Incidentally, both are working well. In fact Rosie (who's mine) is more forward and willing than she's ever been.

Thanks for reading and if anyone can offer any advice/insight I would be very grateful. Due to personal circumstances, moving's not really an option at the moment.


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22 March 2011
Central scotland
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Im a big advocate for turnout and would hate to be restricted the way you describe. I must say though, your facilities sound great to help keep them ticking over, especially if we get the snow and ice again.
Ive only ever spent time in a yard with RT until i found another that did turnout.
The longest they were in was about 3 weeks 1 coped really well, the other was a nightmare, that said, it might have been different with a walker i couldve used twice a day to take the edge off


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1 July 2009
South Gloucestershire
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Your horses seem to be fine with it and providing they are happy then for me that is all that matters :)

Some horses need to be out 24/7, some are happy to come in at night, some are happy to be in more (like yours). Horses are all different and we just need to do whatever suits each individual horse best.


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27 September 2011
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My horses have had this kind of routine before and coped fine, thankfully i have all day turnout now im diy.

I found that as long as all the horses were in at the same time that they stayed calm, its when some go out and others can't that causes problems IME.


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15 November 2010
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Personally I wouldn't do it, But then again my Horse wouldn't cope.

If yours are coping then I wouldn't worry. I would be inclined to make good use of the Horse walker though ;)


Well-Known Member
28 March 2011
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It will be fine but If you work them on the turnout days I might be tempted to cut hard food on non turnout days. If you don't exercise on turnout days I would defiantly cut hard food.


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18 October 2006
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I would personally not like to be restricted, however, 4 of mine would rather be in, after about 3 hrs they start edging to the gate so I usually get them from 2.30-3.

The most important thing is that yours can cope and are happy with the restrictions.


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30 November 2007
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Personally I would not do it as I think a horse needs to be outside, needs room to be able to stretch it's legs without a rider on.

I actually don't understand people who set up livery yards when they don't have adequate turnout all year round for the number of horses they provide stabling for. That would be the first thing i would do if i was setting up a yard - make damn sure I had enough summer and winter turnout. Seems bizarre that people think it's ok to have horses turned out all summer yet they're stuck in the majority of the time over the winter months.


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27 September 2011
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I wouldn't cut the hard feed out on non-turnout days i'd just cut the hard feed down in general if she got daft, otherwise leave it as it is.

Definitely don't agree with feeding one day then not the next - its colic waiting to happen.

You may find that plenty of hay/haylage is enough :)


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18 October 2006
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Livery yards round us have restricted because they churn the fields up !! I would say they more likely to churn them up whizzing around the times they are allowed out. Fields do recover, like said previously why do livery yards take on without thinking of the winter turnout. Case of too many horses on the land in some circumstances.


Well-Known Member
7 March 2009
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Thanks for your replies everyone. I definately take on board the comments regarding hard feed (they do get fed every day but only a little). It's not an ideal situation, but they are coping with it. I would have hoped that if they were going to go "loopy" they'd have done so already, but it remains to be seen.

We (my daughter and I who the horses belong to) are trying to ride every day (and I'm looking for a sharer to assist me with this!), as I'm just conscious that they need to be out of their stables, and moving around. There are several others on the yard who are in a similar routine. Most a fine, a few are very unhappy. If mine were in the latter category I would move no matter how difficult. It's a whole new kettle of fish for me as it's not what I'm used to but I've been amazed at how they've taken it in their stride.

Now, how do I get my lazy girl to keep going on the walker (she stops it with her bum)...........! She is quite funny, sees me coming and starts walking again!

Thanks HHO'ers a mine of information as ever! x


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12 January 2011
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As a YO I have fields specifically set aside for winter if they get trashed they get trashed and will be chain harrowed and rolled ready for next winter. IMHO horses need to go out even if it is just for a few hours I wouldnt want horses in all winter. I must admit having 40+ acres of land helps aswell and winter turnout is about the individual needs who have their own fields and use it as they wish wether they just want a few hours or if they want to turn them out from 7am till 7pm that is there choice.


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16 August 2010
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I wouldn't and couldn't as my horse would go loony, but then again if yours is coping then I see no harm.

I prefer mine to be out 24/7 as it keeps him sane.

Do what suits your horse ;)
29 July 2005
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Our horses are turned out everyday for a few hours during the winter and seem to cope fine with it. If the weather is too bad and the ground is too wet then they go on the horse walker instead. They don't seem to mind, although they do like to get out for a few hours per day st least if possible.


Well-Known Member
20 February 2009
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I think it very much depends on the individual horse, and your situation. Our yard has limited turnout in winter, in that you have your patch and that is it. So you can turn out all day every day if you want, but it will be a mud bath! Or you can use it more wisely.

I am on DIY livery, so if I turn out it is literally all day, 8am to 5,6 or even 7pm. That's a long time to be out in the wind and rain with little to eat. So if the weather's pants, he stays in. Doesn't seem to bother him as long as he has food, and we have small woodchip paddocks they can go out on for a roll.


Well-Known Member
6 July 2010
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The simple answer is money I am afraid. That is why they take on more than they have turnout for. My horse only gets two days out a week and only then if weather permits. Because of this he is a bit scary to turn out so I don't do it I pay YO to but in the summer he is sooo quiet to turn out not problems at all. He copes better than some of the horses though. Why don't we move?? good question and one we all (at out yard) ask ourselves every winter. Guess it's easier said than done.


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1 May 2009
Sunny Surrey
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My boy is on restricted t/o he comes in every weekday at 2pm but they are all ready and waiting at the gate by then anyway, they are all in a good routine at my yard and it works for us lot.
wkends they stay out til 3.45pm

my boy likes it this way anyway he like his bed and haynet he gets til I get up after work.

doing it this way, gives us more turnout through out winter and for them all to have grazing in winter.
Not many yards round my way have winter t/o


Well-Known Member
9 January 2011
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I'm very different to everyone else on here, I have my own yard, I have 17 acres for 7 horses and only the youngsters get turnout in the winter. They go out roughly 8 until 3 and are waiting at the gate. The competition horses get restricted turnout to prevent injuries, mud fever and lost shoes. We are on clay soil and I tried more turnout but found the horses didn't really want to stay out and galloped round. I had problem after problem, being pink skinned warmbloods didn't help!!
Mine go out for two hours in a wood chip paddock with a haynet and are happy and relaxed. My oh works with horses and often comes home saying how chilled and content our horses seem compared to most.
I try and break their day up as much as possible, fitted in to their day they:
Stand outside with a mineral lick and haynet and their friend to groom
Go in the wood chip paddock
Get groomed
Ridden or lunged
Massage rug on
Go on walker
Stand in solarium
It works for mine, in the summer they go out and come in when they want but in the winter I do extra work and think it's totally worth it
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Well-Known Member
7 March 2009
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Thanks again for all your replies. It's certainly interesting to read all the differing views.

For my girls, I've managed to negotiate for them to be turned out for a short time each day (3 hours) which they are really happy with so all's well.

An added bonus is definately my lazy mare's attitude to work. She's so much more willing and forward!


Well-Known Member
3 December 2011
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If you asked this question before you were doing it I would have said dont touch it with a barge pole!! but if your horses are happy and coping then why worry? Personally I dont agree with not turning out for at least a few hours a day, ours go out even if there is snow although a couple of hours is enough!! Routine is the most important thing and relaxed happy horses.