Well-Known Member
Have you ever in the past ridden the path from the White Horse Pub/Lucky Dragon Chinese that comes out by the bridge over the river in Moorend? I was visited this morning by Ann Fay, the BHS Access & Bridleways Officer for our area who is trying to get this path reopened to horses.
If you have ridden it then please contact her on 01454 774 243 or email ann.fay@laburnumhouse.me.uk
Have you ever in the past ridden the path from the White Horse Pub/Lucky Dragon Chinese that comes out by the bridge over the river in Moorend? I was visited this morning by Ann Fay, the BHS Access & Bridleways Officer for our area who is trying to get this path reopened to horses.
If you have ridden it then please contact her on 01454 774 243 or email ann.fay@laburnumhouse.me.uk