Riding after Caesarean?


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4 January 2010
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How long do I have to wait ?? Not seeing the midwife again til Thursday to ask.
Presume I'm looking at January at the earliest (she's 9 days old now) hat were your experiences? x


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25 November 2007
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Whenever you feel ready. But bear in mind a c-sec is a major operation, you need time to heal.

I wouldn't imagine you'll be riding before Thursday? Your midwife will be best placed to advise you. Everyone heals at different rates, so one person who rides a few weeks after may heal quicker than the next who may need a couple of months.

Congrats on the new baby :)


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12 August 2008
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Firstly congrats on your little one. I was very keen to get back on board after having my daughter, and got on after 4 weeks, but it was painful and I realised it was too soon. It wasn't just the pain but also the pulling sensation, which wasn't pleasant! In the end I gave myself four months to heal completely before I was up to riding properly. You do have to be so careful as you are at risk of rupturing your womb, which can be fatal, if you rush it.

Fools Motto

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30 June 2011
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with my daughter who was born in January, I was back on riding in March. She was 6 weeks old.
With my son who was born in May, I was riding again in late june, he was 4 and half weeks old.
I felt fine both times, but I was only hacking for a few more weeks, so not exactly competing XC!

ETS, Big congratulations on your new baby. You will need all the rest you can get!


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12 December 2008
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Congratulations on the birth of your baby. I have had 2 C Sections, the first an emergency and the second planned. After the first I was back on doing gentle stuff 5 1/2 weeks after I'd had my daughter, and back to proper riding about 2 1/2 months after. After my second (August this year) I was back on board doing gentle stuff 3 1/2 weeks after and ready to put horse into full work by about 6 weeks. You will know when you feel ready to get back on. Oh and I think my MW told me I should wait until my 6 week check, but as that didn't actually happen until 8 weeks both times round I just went with how I felt. Only you know your bday and what you feel up to, just don't push it. All the best x