Riding book


Well-Known Member
21 July 2005
Malton, N yorkshire
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Thanks to you advice I had my first proper ride yesterday (after a 3 year lack of riding) and felt a lot more confident than when I tried the horse a couple of weeks ago. I did lots of transitions, change of rein, spiralling etc (mainly at trot) and even managed a few short canters (bum OUT of the saddle, I'm not used to such a bouncy stride!) and really felt that we were starting to communicate with eachother (I got him to halt just by using my seat!). Hopefully I'm going again on Friday (tomorrow, eep, my poor muscles!)

Anyways, I'd like to work on improving my way of going so that I can improve the horse's way of going
Seeing as all my books are in a box in my parents' house in Spain, I thought I'd buy some new riding books.
I already want to order Mary Wanless: ride with your mind, and Heather Moffat: Enlightened equitation. Are there any other books that you lot would recommend? I would also like books on fun schooling exercises for horse and rider.


Well-Known Member
5 December 2005
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try the learning to ride as an adult books. I found them helpful, even though I'm not exactly a learner!

ps I'm selling mine on ebay tonight.....