Riding during Box Rest


Well-Known Member
12 May 2006
Hi all. Would like some advice please. My horse Jack is slowly coming back into work after a long period of box rest (since April) he had surgery in Sept (stem cell treatment). Anyway, we are now walking 40/45 mins a day. In the am he goes on walker for 20 mins, then in the evening I ride him in the school (as to dark to ride out now). At the weekends I give him 4 ACP and take him for a walk up the road and back.

I generally ride in the AM as it's quieter on the roads. He has his breakfast with ACP in, then off we go. Anyway, had to ride on Sat afternoon this weekend and he was a real s***! walking along the road on the way home (so far been really good boy) then coming past fields with horses in and a horse decides to coming galloping down to the gate, well Jack just went mad. Jumping up and down on the spot, trying to spin, Van with hay bale comes towards us, v nice mad slows down - nothing behind us - thank god! I had to trott him on a bit because he was like a coiled up spring cantering on the spot! As he's not been on full turn out (he goes in v v small paddock at the moment) for nearly 9 months, he's like a bomb waiting to explode - but I have to ride him to strengthen his leg! Anyway managed to calm him down after fearing for my life!!

Anyone got any advice on bringing horses back into work after such a long period of rest? Should I have discaplined him more, used the whip or my voice (raised voice)? or as I did do, used my voice to try and calm him down ! he's never scared me, but at the moment he worries me, I couldn't care less about me, but if he dumps me and does the off galloping down the road, he could be serioulsy injured and will blow all the work that we've been doing since April to get his tendon right!!!

This was all after his 4 ACP as well!!! Anyone reckon I can give him more and still ride him?

Its all v well these vets saying 'controlled walking exercise', but we're the idiots that get on them!

Thanks alot!


Well-Known Member
9 December 2005
I sympathise with you, there isn't really anything you can do about it, apart from hoping the bloody horses don't gallop round the field next time you go past. Do keep at it as he needs the variety. May be try going out with someone with you to distract him.
Ps the title of the post is very confusing!


Well-Known Member
27 June 2006
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I had to hand walk my horse for weeks and he was on 20 ACPO and would still rear, bronc and explode.Maybe best to discuss options with your vet?


Well-Known Member
24 April 2006
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hi there,

a few years ago by boy was off work for over a year with a tendon injury, cant remember which tendon tho, but again i had to build up from walking 5 mins x2 a day to 2 hours a day. My boy is highly strung at the best of times and was told by the vet if he did anything other than walk he would rip his tendons as they had stuck together
I took him out an a hack once we were up to half an hour but BIG mistake he went crazy
I then decided not to take him out an a hack until he was able to be turned out for longer etc.. as it just wasn't worth the risk. This was probably when he was up to an hours walking but up until then I just used to ride him up and down the long drive, very boring and in the school.
I don't know about the ACP maybe speak to your vet. Is he any better in company? Mine was always better if he went out with a nice calm companion! Hope he gets better soon x


New User
9 January 2006
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I've just been through this and it was hell. I used ACP a lot - 12 - 14 every time I wanted to ride or walk him out. Speak to your vet about increasing his dose. Also could you lunge him first before you get on?


Well-Known Member
22 August 2001
Woking, Surrey
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gosh, makes me appreciate my boy. he's been on box rest since august, but walking him in-hand i had to carry a whip so i didn't have to drag him along and now i'm back riding, although he is bouncy and jogs a bit that is the limit of his naughtiness.


Well-Known Member
18 October 2006
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Can I ask what ACPs are? luckily my horse has never been on box rest before and when has been sedated before have used sedalin gel. Is it another form or sedation? 14 sounds a lot thought i dont know anything about them.


Well-Known Member
22 August 2001
Woking, Surrey
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Sedalin contains ACP. Sedalin is the legal form of ACP as it is licensed for horses. Technically vets giving out ACP tablets are breaking the law because the law says we must follow the cascade and that means using the licensed form of the product when available, which in the case of ACP is Sedalin. It might be significnatly more expensive, but in the eyes of the law, the licensed product must be used.


Situation normal
1 July 2004
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How about popping him on the horsewalker for 20 mins before you go out for your hack? That may well take the edge of them. I would also ask a friend who has something sensible to accompany me.

Personally I would be extremely wary of exercising anything on ACP, and would rather the horse did longer on the walker, and a shorter hack than use drugs.


Well-Known Member
12 May 2006
Thanks for all of the replies!

I have been going out with another quiet horse, when I can (but not everyone wants to walk for 45 mins) they wanna take their horse on a nice ride!! Anyway, he's been out before on his own and was good as gold, and I've also been out with others and likewise he was good. I just think the combination of him getting better and the galloping horse in field all got to much for him!

He dumped me on Thurs night in the school, reared up! Again, pony in field decided he'd go for a canter round his field - Jack decided it was all to exciting and up he went! And he is not a rearer, he's started this since being on box rest - a habit I want him to quickly stop as quickly as its started - am hoping once he in field with pals it will!

I went out yesterday morning with him and a friend with her horse, and they were good as gold. My friends horse spooked at something and jumped into Jack, and Jack didn't bat an eyelid!

Am feeling that from now on I def need to take someone with me as company!

And Amy May, not a bad idea to put him on walker first - it just means we can hack out for less, but I guess safe and short is better than dangerous and long - if that makes sense!

Thanks so much all - and I'm glad I'm not the only one who's had to go through this! He comes back to the RVC 5 weeks today, and hopefully if all is well he'll be able to go on full turnout for the 1st time in 9 months - PLEASE GOD!!!!



Well-Known Member
22 June 2004
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No advice really Martha, just wanted to wish you good luck and a positive outcome when he is re-scanned. I don't envy you riding a horse in only walk that has been box rested for 9 months - if the vets had to get on and do it then they would soon stop prescribing it! Lol!
Lucy. x


Well-Known Member
11 January 2005
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Martha I really don't envy you! Could you not put him on the walker in the morning and the evening instead of riding him until he can be turned out. I know this will be incredibly boring for him and you but I would worry about him doing himself damage when he's messing about.

Good luck xx


Well-Known Member
22 August 2001
Woking, Surrey
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if the vets had to get on and do it then they would soon stop prescribing it!

[/ QUOTE ]

dunno lol! i'm a vet and am currently riding one who's been on box rest for 3 months - i still know it's best for him, even though it has made for some slightly livlier rides than normal!


Well-Known Member
6 November 2006
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My horse has been box rested since early May with a fractured knee. He was given the all clear by our fabulous vet in late July (minor fracture). I started to walk in the school and hack out and I experienced the 'rocking horse' (spot galloping) motion and within 2 weeks we had soft tissue damage! Back in the box and tiny paddock space until 2 weeks ago when we had the all clear again. This time I only hack with company as he is so much calmer and not stressed at all when in company. I always plan my route and avoid any fields with horses in and finally I walk him until he is bored senseless in the school. He's 17 hands and a big athletic intermediate eventer so it doesn't take long to bore him BUT he has coped so well and puts up with it and this time we haven't had any problems. It is really really important NOT to let them do anything other than walk until your vet thinks he's strong enough to move on to trot work. Short walks in company on planned routes is a really good idea and relax. lf you're tense in anticipation he will feel it. Calm deep breathing is a must or talk non stop to whoever you're out walking with! Good luck!