Riding following castration

Brownie in Bahrain

Active Member
1 November 2019
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3 days ago i had my 10yr old thoroughbred castrated. We are leading him in walk as much as possible and hosing down the wound. My question is, when can he be ridden? The vet here has told me he can be ridden like yesterday but I feel it’s a bit too early. She said we can trot him too but it just doesn’t feel like the right thing to do. He is swollen (as expected) but his recovery is going well, he’s eating like normal and is alert and happy.

be positive

Well-Known Member
9 July 2011
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If the vet said it is fine and the horse is well in himself there is no reason not to exercise him under saddle, obviously go steady but if he is not getting turned out, guessing from your user name you may not have field turnout as we would here, usually the more time spent moving the better so some long slow exercise should be beneficial and help the swelling go down.