Riding Lessons Wanted [Capable Rider, 15 years Experience]


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21 January 2013
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I have recently moved to the Watford area and am trying to find somewhere to have some lessons.
I'm struggling a little with finding somewhere that might be suitable as I don't want just some "horse time" - I actually want to learn something. Many of the schools i've experienced in the past haven't really progressed my riding any and have been more about providing something fun to do every week, which might have been fine when I was younger but I want to really concentrate on my riding now and improve it.

I've not had lessons in years (probably around 5) so would need to iron out a few kinks before I started to work towards my aims, which are eventually competing BE and BD with my own horse (which I'll be looking to buy in probably 6 months time).

It is seemingly difficult to find somewhere that I can really improve my riding whilst not yet having my own horse to ride in these lessons.

So, if you know of anywhere/anyone who would be willing to provide such lessons, please point me in their direction! I'm looking to travel anywhere between Watford and Heathrow Airport.

Thanks in advance :)


Coming over here & taking your jobs since 1900
18 September 2008
London but horse is in Herts
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You may find you learn more by finding a nice horse to share and have lessons on. Would work out cheaper than lessons at a good riding school too.

Try posting in Hertfordshire horse riders on facebook.