Riding stables Bowness on Windermere


Well-Known Member
19 October 2017
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Bit of a weird one. I know there used to be a riding stables that used the fields at Goodley Dale (now a school) a long long time ago and I think the old building is still there somewhere on Lake Road. I was just wondering on the off chance if anyone knew what happened to it or anything about it. I am pretty sure the stables are derelict but I would have loved to know what it looked like.


Well-Known Member
28 December 2011
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I never knew that! How long ago was this?

I would have thought any derelict building like that would by now have been converted into holiday cottages.


Well-Known Member
19 October 2017
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So would I! I am not sure how far back it was which is why I am curious. I love old style stables and would love a good nosey. I have a peer over the wall today whilst the road was quiet and the building is still there an looks relatively freshly painted but all shut up and overgrown with trees and the roof looks a bit saggy!


Well-Known Member
28 December 2011
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Do you live in the area? You need to find an old farmer-type, or a local family which has been there a few generations, perhaps - they might know.
I was at school in the 80s in that area but can't remember it - didn't go into Windermere much though.
Or you could find out from the Land Registry who the owner is.
It's odd that it's both overgrown, in need of repair, yet freshly painted.


Well-Known Member
19 October 2017
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I found out about to when I used to work in the local chemist (source of all gossip and information) I grew up in Windermere in the 00's. Good idea with the land registry! I'm not sure why I am so curious really, my parents are still local and I have also piqued my mums interest she's going to ask about. My current theory is it's owned by the same people who own the school grounds or the local hotel 2 doors down as it's painted a similar colour, or it's own by Patty's who own most of Windermere


Well-Known Member
26 September 2011
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Did it used to be called Wynlass Beck or something like that?

i remember riding there many years ago, and drove passed on Friday - was trying to work out where it used to be.


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20 November 2017
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I used to ride at those stables in the late 1950's. Elleray school (now Windermere School) used to offer weekly riding lessons there, led by a Miss Jagger who would come and collect us from school in her old banger. There were maybe half a dozen horses there at the time, and the lessons took place in the field where there is a health centre now. Was surprised to see the stables still there in 2008.


Well-Known Member
28 December 2011
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I must have a look next time I'm there - know where the health centre is, just never spotted the stables.

When I was around in the 80s & later, there was a riding school up on the main Ambleside road, by the little roundabout - I think that was Wynlass Beck. Not sure though.

OP, the chemist's job sounds much better than the waitressing/chambermaiding jobs I used to do <g>


Well-Known Member
19 October 2017
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It was a fab job my mum still works there now!

Wynlass beck was where I used to ride/'lived' as a teen in the early noughties unfortunately it was built over many years ago the original big house is still there on the hill above the cooks corner round about and the old coach house is where the old entrance used to be which still has the name. There is a footpath down along the side if anyone is interested but you can see anything of what used to be there which is such a shame. I loved my weekends and holidays there mucking out for rides. If you went trekking there between 2001 and 2004 ish I might have met you!


Well-Known Member
19 October 2017
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I used to ride at those stables in the late 1950's. Elleray school (now Windermere School) used to offer weekly riding lessons there, led by a Miss Jagger who would come and collect us from school in her old banger. There were maybe half a dozen horses there at the time, and the lessons took place in the field where there is a health centre now. Was surprised to see the stables still there in 2008.

That's fascinating thank you so much for replying. The stables are still standing it seems and haven't been developed.


7 June 2020
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I learned to ride in the 70s there,my mum rode there before I was born, still there and unspoilt as we drove past last year. Miss Jagger was both brilliant and terrifying!!


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25 April 2024
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Bit of a weird one. I know there used to be a riding stables that used the fields at Goodley Dale (now a school) a long long time ago and I think the old building is still there somewhere on Lake Road. I was just wondering on the off chance if anyone knew what happened to it or anything about it. I am pretty sure the stables are derelict but I would have loved to know what it looked like.
Yes, the building is still there - I worked there for the last season before Bunty died in Dec 1987. She was a great friend to me but told me all the horses would be destroyed when she died, as she wanted to know they'd be with her.

The horses were: Peggy, Pippin, Thunder, Copper, Danny and Toby-Joe. Spike was on loan and Charlie was part-owned by Franke so not sure what happened there.

She is buried in Burneside churchyard, I go every time I'm in the area and was there just a few days ago.


New User
25 April 2024
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Bit of a weird one. I know there used to be a riding stables that used the fields at Goodley Dale (now a school) a long long time ago and I think the old building is still there somewhere on Lake Road. I was just wondering on the off chance if anyone knew what happened to it or anything about it. I am pretty sure the stables are derelict but I would have loved to know what it looked like.
I worked at Craig Level for the final season in 1987, Bunty died in the December that year. She told me all her horses would be destroyed upon her death as she wanted them with her.

Peggy, Pippin, Copper, Thunder, Danny and Toby Joe would have been affected. Spike was on loan and Charlie part-owned.

The stables remain, kept in reasonable condition but essentially derelict. I'm glad they're still there but sad that they weren't carried on.

Bunty's sister was bed-ridden when I visited in April 2002, but she used to make us coffees when we were working. Bunty is buried in Burneside churchyard, not sure what happened to her sister.


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25 April 2024
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I learned to ride in the 70s there,my mum rode there before I was born, still there and unspoilt as we drove past last year. Miss Jagger was both brilliant and terrifying!!
Yes, she was feisty but a real nice lady. Interestingly, she told me she was 78 but her grave says she was 68!


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11 May 2024
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I used to ride at those stables in the late 1950's. Elleray school (now Windermere School) used to offer weekly riding lessons there, led by a Miss Jagger who would come and collect us from school in her old banger. There were maybe half a dozen horses there at the time, and the lessons took place in the field where there is a health centre now. Was surprised to see the stables still there in 2008.
I rode there from 1953-1956 when at Elleray. There was competition to sit in the front seat of the car as there was no floor and you could watch the road going by underneath. Remember Miss Jagger, Solo and Flash