Now I am starting to ride more often I need to get some proper clothing. Currently just riding in jeans. Apart from jodhpurs is there any other type of full length trousers I can wear? Just don't feel comfortable in them!
I often ride in jogging bottoms along with my boots and chaps. My jods keep falling down when I'm walking around the yard, so joggers suit me. I have also been known to ride in smart work trousers if I've forgotten my yard clothes!
I have a pair of "riding trousers" I think from Robinsons which I bought a couple of years back they are nice and warm and look like normal trousers to the unknowing eye (although only when I have not been to the yard as soon as I have got anywhere near yard all my clothes get scruffy ... )
could not ride in jeans personally, dont they hurt?
I ride in jeans and scruffy trousers (like loose jogging type ones etc.). Not very attractive but nobody tends to see me riding anyway! Failing that you can buy cheapo jods from loads of places.
Depends what you're after really... I cant ride in jeans as I find they rub like crazy... nor do i like anything loose as it annoys me in the saddle and i have to have full leather seats.
Theres a few items on here that are a bit of a trouser / jodhpur cross but of course most of them are still tight.
I have a pair of jeans which i ride in, they are cheap and quite stretchy, love them to bits. But due to the weather been as it is why not buy a paid of full chaps and just wear a comfy pair of trousers you have under them?
LOL! Tierra - you can tell you are dressage!!! You sound like me!!! hehe!!! I'm exactly the same - however in winter I live in my musto over-riders - I LOVE them - so snug and warm - but with the full seat
I am forever surprised by the amount of people riding in jeans - they are soooo uncomfy - the seams are like... AGONY!!!
Ive got to have a full seat in whatever im riding in! It's not just the grip but they last 10 times longer as well
Im honestly with you, I dont understand how people can ride in jeans - the seams are just in really bad places - and surely jogging bottoms must be slippery as hell in the saddle?
Im eyeing up the thermo-rider jods on that site i linked though!