Riding whilst pregnant


Well-Known Member
30 November 2011
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I am twenty weeks pregnant and am feeling bogged down by the overwhelming pressure to stop riding! I have been riding for 23 years and at 28 am a very experienced and competent horsewoman, since about 12 weeks gestation I have only been riding very quiet horses that I can pull up in a split second riding fast and that are 100% reliable on the roads and am not talking about hunting or eventing, just hacking out a couple of times a week and the odd canter through the woods or fields.

I feel as though I am perfectly safe and if I ever felt unbalanced would pull my horse straight up or stop riding, but my friends and family are saying I am being irresponsible and need to stop, I was supposed to be riding a ladies perfectly safe cob but when she found out I was pregnant she said she didn't want to feel responsible if anything happened. Twenty weeks feels like a long time not to be in a saddle!! I wanted to get the general consensus from the horsey world so I can make a balanced decision.


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22 November 2005
Personally I wouldn't be taking the risk. I've had too many silly falls of my super safe pony if it happened whilst I was pregnant and something happened to the baby I would never forgive myself.


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10 October 2006
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Ignore them. Its your body, you can asses the risks and do what you feel comfy doing. I am 18 weeks pregnant and am still riding, though I have modified what I do as I know my pony best.

With my last pregnancy I carried on until I was 27 weeks. I stopped when my hips started to get sore and I couldnt do more than a walk without needing a wee! Otherwise I would have carrid on the full 42 weeks - yes 42 weeks is normal for me!

Carrying on with your horses is good for your general fitness and most importanly your mental well being. In other countries women are just allowed to get on with it, I wish we could.

When you are pregnant it feels like other people, whether well meaning or not want to take over your life and you become public property. I have even had people I dont know comment on what am eating or wamnting to touch me. That part of it realy sucks.

BTW - congrats, I think we need to start a bumps in johds clique
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Well-Known Member
4 January 2010
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I'd say totally go with how you feel - I stopped riding at 22 weeks as was beginning to find riding uncomfortable. I'm a firm believer in listening to my body and only doing what you feel happy with doing. If it hurts then I think thats your bodies way of saying don't do that. Really really wish I could have carried on riding longer as didn't even really start to show until 28 weeks. I'm now in my first week of being overdue and have major cabin fever. Desperate to get back out and about.
If you still feel happy and comfortable riding then go for it but listen to your body and don't push yourself to hard.
Good luck x


Well-Known Member
10 June 2011
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I rode regularly until about 6 months and only stopped because my tummy stopped me from being able to get on! Your body will tell you when to stop.

Youi are more likely to fall downstairs (as I did) rushing to answer the door!


Well-Known Member
16 January 2009
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Advice on this has been posted before so worth reading advice Royal college Obstetricians.

I think you will find its classed as risky sport etc so it will be a No am afraid. Its only a few weeks to wait.....good for pelvic floor afterwards though!

Good luck


Well-Known Member
18 November 2011
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Hi, i've got 2 children and rode while carrying both of them. With my first one i only rode until i was 3 1/2 months as my neddie was only 5 and a bit of a headcase, plus there was only hacking on roads and no-one to go with, so i didn't feel comfortable. With my second one, neddie was 4 yrs older so i rode up until i was 30 weeks, even doing 12 mile fun rides and dressage competitions but had to stop when the bump in front of me got uncomfortable.
Just don't take any unneccesary risks and stop when it's uncomfortable. I don't think your friends and relatives are saying it to be mean, they're just worried about you and your precious cargo. (Although i always found it a bit annoying that no-one worried about me riding a headcase before i got pregnant)
Anyway, good luck with the rest of the pregnancy and i hope the end bit isn't to bad for you, it is worth it in the end.x


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15 December 2009
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I rode up to when I was about 7 months, on reliable/sensible horses.. mainly lessons and occasional hacks, with sedate canters, can't remember if I did any jumping, maybe in the early months but stopped because bump was making me feel less agile. :)


Well-Known Member
30 November 2011
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Yes, I am totally up for starting a movement and maybe a range of maternity jhoddies?! As mine are held together with a hairband!! Thanks for your thoughts, keep them coming!! :)


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7 July 2008
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Ignore them. Its your body, you can asses the risks and do what you feel comfy doing. I am 18 weeks pregnant and am still riding, though I have modified what I do as I know my pony best.

With my last pregnancy I carried on until I was 27 weeks. I stopped when my hips started to get sore and I couldnt do more than a walk without needing a wee! Otherwise I would have carrid on the full 42 weeks - yes 42 weeks is normal for me!

Carrying on with your horses is good for your general fitness and most importanly your mental well being. In other countries women are just allowed to get on with it, I wish we could.

When you are pregnant it feels like other people, whether well meaning or not want to take over your life and you become public property. I have even had people I dont know comment on what am eating or wamnting to touch me. That part of it realy sucks.

BTW - congrats, I think we need to start a bumps in johds clique

^^^^^^^^^^^ this, with knobs and bells on!:D:D:D

Im 17 weeks pregnant and still going to flatwork lessons, doing dressage and hacking out. I went for a gallop on the beach with a friend a couple of weeks ago for my birthday. Ive stopped jumping, and any gung-ho risk taking though.

You know your body, and horse best. I chose to sell my connemara shortly after i found out i was pregnant as i knew he wasnt the type to keep riding, he was nappy to hack out and it wouldnt have been safe. However I DID carry on riding a friend's Sec D and a few weeks after selling my own horse, I bought her from my friend as she is exactly what I need now and will need in the future. My friend knew I was pregnant and before I actually bought her horse, she was happy for me to keep riding with her. However if OP you are riding other people's horses (maybe i picked this up wrong) I do think owners are fair enough to say they'd rather you didn't. If its your own horse and you arent taking risks then tally-ho!

incidently, my husband and family are 100% behind me still riding:D Im not allowed a sniff of Baileys though, even at Christmas,lol

Advice on this has been posted before so worth reading advice Royal college Obstetricians.

I think you will find its classed as risky sport etc so it will be a No am afraid. Its only a few weeks to wait.....good for pelvic floor afterwards though!

Good luck

which would be why 3 separate midwives have told me as long as Im not taking silly risks and it isnt a new sport I am taking up, that it is beneficial for me to carry on riding my horse. Infact many many women in my area have and do.

Im all for the bumps in johds clique :D
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New User
10 November 2011
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can I join the bump in jods clique? - just found out I`m pregnant 3 weeks after buying my first pony - and he is only 3 - oops - planning to keep riding over winter as long as I can and give him a break over summer - not ideal but no way he is getting sold.


Well-Known Member
31 August 2011
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Congratulations OP hope all is going well with the pregnancy.

Sorry to be a pooper but personally i would not take the risk, in the bigger scheme of things it is not a long time to not ride particularly if you make it clear to your OH and family that you are keen to get back to riding once the baby is born and would welcome their support to enable this.

I did not ride with either of my pregnancies which was frustrating but I tried to take the time to enjoy my pregnancy after all you are not likely to do it more than two or three times in your life.

Good luck


Well-Known Member
5 September 2010
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Well ok so it was quite a few years ago now and health and safety etc has changed but.. I was told by both my doctor and my midwife that as long as I took it easy to carry on riding if I wished for as long as I felt comfortable. I only stopped when 'bump' got physically to big for me to mount! Obviously I was only hacking gently but i knew my horse inside out and we were fine.... but thats just me.... As I said times have changed and now it would probably be frowned upon but both of them said 'go for it, but take it easy'. :)


Well-Known Member
18 June 2011
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Just because people ride when pregnant it doesn't mean that they don't value their babies as much, though, Colleen-Miss-Tom.

If you are confident and happy to carry on riding when you're "in foal" OP, go for it. Your body, your baby, your decision. Congratulations, btw!


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16 January 2009
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Not something I would do, Too risky !

I would value my baby too much, yes I know my horse but at the end of the day, a horse is an animal and unpredictable, no matter how well you know them .

Col x

Completely agree and as a Health care professional I would still say NO, and I disagree with your midwives if they are telling you horse riding is a safe sport. Its not safe when you are NOT pregnant.

Yes your body, your baby is the risk worth it?

oh by the way did I forget to mention my profession? Please ask your midwife and your GP etc if they think Horseriding is a risk sport for a pregnant woman and can guarantee that your baby will not be at risk if you get kicked or fall off. Obviously its ok then to all those that think it is. Even when not pregnant its still a risk sport which is why we wear a hat/body protector etc etc. I am really surprised at the response to encourage riding! Mad! See link from NHS website.
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Well-Known Member
18 June 2011
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I am also a healthcare professional, and have several friends who are midwives. They might not actively encourage pregnant women to ride, but they would definately encourage them to make an autonomous decision regarding their body and what they wish to do with it.
Which is what we are doing, supporting women in their decision to continue doing what they love for as long as they are comfortable doing so whilst pregnant.
When you are pregnant, the whole world and his wife think that they know what's best for you. But only YOU know what's best for you.


Well-Known Member
17 November 2007
Somewhere in Ireland up north to the west abit , t
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Just because people ride when pregnant it doesn't mean that they don't value their babies as much, though, Colleen-Miss-Tom.

If you are confident and happy to carry on riding when you're "in foal" OP, go for it. Your body, your baby, your decision. Congratulations, btw!

My opinion laura .

I also said MY baby :)

I wouldn't put my baby at risk end of .

I still stick by what I said :)

Col x


Well-Known Member
17 November 2007
Somewhere in Ireland up north to the west abit , t
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I am also a healthcare professional, and have several friends who are midwives. They might not actively encourage pregnant women to ride, but they would definately encourage them to make an autonomous decision regarding their body and what they wish to do with it.
Which is what we are doing, supporting women in their decision to continue doing what they love for as long as they are comfortable doing so whilst pregnant.
When you are pregnant, the whole world and his wife think that they know what's best for you. But only YOU know what's best for you.

Put it this way ....

If a lady comes to you and asks you their opinion on riding and you say "its ok as long as you do a b c and d "

Said lady then has an unexpected accident on horse and something terrible happens baby, would you not feel slightly responsible ? guilty ? for advising this women ?

I'm curious :)


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11 March 2011
Other side of the Moon
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Firstly - many congratulations! Now for the controversial stuff!:rolleyes: I had my children nearly 40 years ago (OMG!) With the first I rode until 2 weeks after my due date and only stopped when I was taken in to be induced. With the 2nd I did stop at full term (another one that was induced 2 weeks later) but only because the farrier couldn't get out to replace a thrown shoe!

In those days we weren't so PC and 'elf and safety' were practically unheard of - so if we had a steady horse, and were experienced riders capable of doing a realistic risk assessment - well then we just got on with enjoying ourselves and our horses as per usual.

Yes I did think my unborn children were precious, No I didnt feel I was (insert dramatic music here icon) being irresponsible and risking my offspring - in those days we just got on with it.

Pregnancy is NOT an illness and I think mothers-to-be, new-borns and the whole razzmatazz of the procedure of doing the mundane and everyday task of reproducing would be a whole lot healthier if people would stop acting like they and their spouse are the first person on God's earth to carry a child to full term and give birth.;)


Well-Known Member
5 November 2006
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I really think its personal choice.
Im 21 weeks pregnant and haven't ridden at all during this pregnancy. I was advised by my midwife (who has horses herself) not to.
Just because I don't ride doesn't mean I would frown upon anyone that did. I just know I personally wouldn't relax as I'd be worried about coming off.

Im still doing horsey jobs though (apart from emptying the wheelbarrow :p) Apparently you have a better recovery if you are fit and active throughout pregnancy :)

Congratualtions btw we must be due roundabout the same time! :)


Well-Known Member
18 June 2011
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No Colleen, I wouldn't feel responsible. Its the mothers choice, and if she wanted to do something she would do it no matter what I told her. All I can do is offer the facts, risks vs benefits of continuing to ride. Its then up to the woman to decide what she does with that information, and I am saying that I would support her decision, whatever it may be.


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18 May 2010
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Another 20-Weeker here - congratulations!

I'm still riding and intend to until my body tells me not to - thought would have to stop a couple of weeks ago as pulled hip but have worked out it was more likely from an overloaded wheelbarrow pushing session so have ceased that now (hurrah!)

GP and midwife have both said there is no issue with continuing to ride as long as I'm comfortable with it. It keeps me fitter than doing nothing would, however I'm only popping out a couple of times a week or so and I'm not going to jump anymore...although I keep saying that and then whoops, over a log on a hack!!


Well-Known Member
22 March 2010
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Well im 13 weeks pregnant and i have no plans on giving up riding anytime soon. I have stopped riding my somewhat unpredictable mare but im still hacking and hunting my safe 21 yr old gelding. I have stopped jumping though.

I will ride until the day it becomes uncomfortable to do so.


Well-Known Member
16 January 2009
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ok then playing devils advocate I carried on and lost. I am a perfectly healthy specimen, very fit etc never been ill.Always understood there to be more lost pregnancies than ones that reach full term. If you get away with it you are very lucky.

Yes preganancy is normal/women work in fields in third world(but the live birth rates are..poor... But just wouldnt risk it if I was you.

The advice is very conflicting and now we live in the have it all society. The NHS website I linked into clearly states not to horse ride. So perhaps ask the NHS who is correct.

When my farrier tells me about customers that got kicked in the head etc and killed sorry forget it. I always understood horseriding is a high risk sport and whenever I work at the spinal injuries unit I am always asked why do I ride??Quit whilst you are a head. But I suppose people only hear what they want to?

I sometimes wonder why too. Good luck though what ever you choose.


High upon a hillside
28 February 2008
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I think there is a difference (maybe!) between women who have to work to get pregnant, and those that fall pregnant easily, not saying those who get pregnant easily are careless, just that if they haven't had to fight to get there, they won't have the same experience of getting/being pregnant, so are bound to have a different outlook on it. :)