Is anyone else having problems wih the website? I put things in the bag ready to pay for them and when i logged on they had gone out of my bag and then sold out im so annoyed as i got up early to get what i wanted
I was on there at 6!! Got a fly rug 2 pairs of jods and and bridle for 60 small pounds! But I did have a lot more in my bag and even at 6.15 am when I went to check out it had gone!
Grr didnt think id be the only one. Iv been looking forward to getting a bargin too lol Ah well im gunna try find some cheap websites online- Anyone know of any
Ive just managed to buy some Yale Country Boots for £68.
OH is gonna batter me but my current long boots have got holes in them and the stitching has come apart and only brought them in November! They do say Buy Cheap, Buy Twice!
What I don't understand is why are people surprised that websites perform slowly and clear baskets when there is a sale on? Next, Debenhams, Play, Amazon all behave in exactly the same way. All companies have their limits and sometimes due to customer demand they reach these limits. There is nothing that can be done to prevent this, other than not having the sale in the first place. But I expect you wouldn't be happy then either. Why not just accept that a sale is a lottery and you might be lucky but you might not! Also the equestrian trade is providing for a very small proportion of the UK's population so there quite simply is not the money there for companies to plough into making their websites perform to the standards of the multi billion pound businesses like Tesco... even the big horse companies are very small fry compared to the previously named High Street names.
Be fair, give the equestrian companies a chance and support them rather than slag them off. I know you can buy a riding hat for £20 in Tesco but do you really trust a company who specialise in apples with the safety of your head???? Buy your horse stuff from a horse company and pay a fair price and be happy if you get a good deal once in a while.
By the way I believe Tesco are doing two for one on apples!!!
I had to keep deleting my IE cookies to finally checkout. The site may work better if you can switch from using Internet Explorer to another browser. Mozilla, Firefox, Chrome, etc. Annoying though that is, it does often work and prevent you missing that ultimate bargain.
That said, I checked their list at 9.20am and couldn't get the fly rug I wanted in the size I needed. Pity I don't have a pony!
Keep your knickers on trafford we all like a bargin when we can get one and i was just a bit gutted i didnt manage it was just wonering if anyone else was having the same problems and it seems like i wasnt the only one